
15 March 2019

SGMIbrahim AhmedYr 7 B2 minutes[19]452m90th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMYunus AbdullahYr 7 B2 minutes[21]468m61st
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMAbu BayazidYr 7 B2 minutes[7]376m177th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMArman RobYr 7 B2 minutes[8]467m63rd
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMAfzal AhmedYr 7 B2 minutes[16]404m160th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMFardan ChoudhuryYr 7 B2 minutes[30]457m81st
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMMirza TahmidYr 7 B2 minutes[22]486m35th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMIshtiaq ChoudhuryYr 7 B2 minutes[30]455m84th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMRafin HossainYr 7 B2 minutes[8]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMRopoc AhmedYr 7 B2 minutes[9]486m35th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMDawud IslamYr 7 B2 minutes[24]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMRiad ShaheedYr 7 B2 minutes[26]342m179th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMAbidul Islam HYr 8 B3 minutes[29]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMAhyan AhmedYr 8 B3 minutes[19]788m24th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMAzher IslamYr 8 B3 minutes[26]602m162nd
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMHaider AliYr 8 B3 minutes[11]759m40th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMRayyan KarimYr 8 B3 minutes[5]675m125th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMShaez AhmedYr 8 B3 minutes[23]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMKhalid AhmedYr 8 B3 minutes[28]681m121st
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMYaaseen AliYr 9 B4 minutes[3]896m135th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMKamaru AhmedYr 9 B4 minutes[10]1048m39th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMEhteshaam AhmedYr 9 B4 minutes[5]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMDipon MozumberYr 9 B4 minutes[6]1035m45th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMTahmid AhmedYr 9 B4 minutes[3]885m138th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMYaasir Khan MYr 9 B4 minutes[6]1061m30th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMHussain Al-MahmoodYr 9 B4 minutes[28]1002m59th
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMMohsin Tajwar HYr 9 B4 minutes[25]1075m21st
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMEhsanul KarimYr 9 B4 minutes[30]1000m63rd
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMStepney Green Mathematics and Computing College BSprint Relay B2000 meter[3]--
SGMStepney Green Mathematics and Computing College CSprint Relay B2000 meter[25]--
SGMStepney Green Mathematics and Computing College ASprint Relay B2000 meter[21]--
SGMYaseen AhmedYr 10 B5 minutes[25]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMSayem AliYr 10 B5 minutes[27]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMSyfur Rahman 8QYr 10 B5 minutes[14]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
SGMNibras HussainYr 10 B5 minutes[29]did not start
Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College
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