Sunday Redrawn
The Sunday J14-15 Regatta has been redrawn


19 June 2021

TSS2Tideway Scullers School AChampionship 8oTime Trial05:37.912th
James Stevenson
TSS72Tideway Scullers School BJ18 4xTime Trial05:54.51st
Matthew Hansen
TSS75Tideway Scullers School CJ18 4xTime Trial06:09.310th
Nico Delaney
TSS79Tideway Scullers School AJ18 4xTime Trial06:19.916th
Orlando Morley
TSS89Tideway Scullers School DJ18 4xTime Trial06:23.920th
Indy Regan
TSS105Tideway Scullers School AChampionship 4-Time Trial06:09.46th
Milo Taylor
TSS120Tideway Scullers School ATier 2 4-Time Trial06:21.43rd
James Budenberg
TSS159Tideway Scullers School AW Sch/Jun 8+Time Trial06:40.96th
Scarlette Rijkse
TSS2Tideway Scullers School AChampionship 8oFinal B[7]06:06.835th
James Stevenson
TSS89Tideway Scullers School DJ18 4xFinal D[4]07:00.234th
Indy Regan
TSS79Tideway Scullers School AJ18 4xFinal C[6]06:57.495th
Orlando Morley
TSS75Tideway Scullers School CJ18 4xFinal B[6]06:48.786th
Nico Delaney
TSS72Tideway Scullers School BJ18 4xFinal A[4]06:18.931st
Matthew Hansen
TSS105Tideway Scullers School AChampionship 4-Final A[2]06:37.985th
Milo Taylor
TSS120Tideway Scullers School ATier 2 4-Final A[6]06:49.113rd
James Budenberg
TSS159Tideway Scullers School AW Sch/Jun 8+Final A[7]07:11.647th
Scarlette Rijkse
WBS255Windsor Boys Sch/Tideway Scullers Sch/Leander AChampionship 4xTime Trial05:58.93rd
Marcus Chute
TSS288Tideway Scullers School AWomen's 8oTime Trial06:19.23rd
Liliane Lindsay
TSS301Tideway Scullers School BWomen's 8oTime Trial06:23.85th
Lily Abbott
TSS335Tideway Scullers SchoolTier 2 4+Time Trial06:30.215th
Dominic Valt
TSS367Tideway Scullers School AWomen's 4xTime Trial06:46.35th
Evelyna Davies
TSS387Tideway Scullers School AW J18 4x-Time Trial06:52.910th
Emilia Regan
TSS399Tideway Scullers School CW J18 4x-Time Trial07:13.726th
Alice McCarthy
TSS416Tideway Scullers School EWomen's 4-Time Trial07:01.83rd
Kristina Stone
TSS425Tideway Scullers School FWomen's 4-Time Trial07:09.88th
Katherine Jayne-Coupe
WBS255Windsor Boys Sch/Tideway Scullers Sch/Leander AChampionship 4xFinal A[6]06:14.092nd
Marcus Chute
TSS301Tideway Scullers School BWomen's 8oFinal A[2]06:59.104th
Lily Abbott
TSS288Tideway Scullers School AWomen's 8oFinal A[3]06:53.133rd
Liliane Lindsay
TSS335Tideway Scullers SchoolTier 2 4+Final A[1]07:10.597th
Dominic Valt
TSS367Tideway Scullers School AWomen's 4xFinal A[6]07:20.194th
Evelyna Davies
TSS399Tideway Scullers School CW J18 4x-Final B[7]07:49.397th
Alice McCarthy
TSS387Tideway Scullers School AW J18 4x-Final A[2]07:15.384th
Emilia Regan
TSS425Tideway Scullers School FWomen's 4-Final B[5]07:41.481st
Katherine Jayne-Coupe
TSS416Tideway Scullers School EWomen's 4-Final A[3]07:31.184th
Kristina Stone
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