
26 November 2022

AthlLauren CunninghamWJ133 minutes[16]690m39th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlEmily TempleWJ133 minutes[18]695m34th
Athlone boat club
AthlSophie ReynoldsWJ133 minutes[26]780m6th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlCiara ConnaughtonWJ133 minutes[28]688m40th
Athlone boat club
AthlÀine BrackenWJ133 minutes[31]743m16th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlFelicity HeaslipWJ133 minutes[55]730m22nd
Athlone Boat Club
AthlLaoise ClaffeyWJ133 minutes[1]693m38th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlEvin ClaffeyMJ133 minutes[46]842m5th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlIsabella HarringtonWJ144 minutes[16]908m45th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlAndrea DoranWJ144 minutes[22]1004m16th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlSarah RockettWJ144 minutes[25]1064m4th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlElla ColshWJ144 minutes[46]997m17th
Athlone boat club
AthlCillian DonlonMJ144 minutes[23]1113m13th
Athlone rowing club
AthlDominick CunninghamMJ144 minutes[32]1034m37th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlRichard HeaslipMJ144 minutes[33]did not start
Athlone Boat Club
AthlAnna OGradyWJ155 minutes[6]did not start
Athlone Boat Club
AthlRian ClaffeyMJ161000 meter[2]02:59.41st
Athlone Boat Club
AthlConor KennyMJ151000 meter[17]03:47.913th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlAdam KennyMJ162000 meter[19]07:14.413th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlRian ClaffeyMJ162000 meter[44]06:31.91st
Athlone Boat Club
AthlAlan KennyLM40-492000 meter[7]06:54.62nd
Athlone Boat Club
AthlEvin ClaffeyMJ13500 meter[17]01:40.43rd
Athlone Boat Club
AthlLaoise ClaffeyWJ13500 meter[8]02:07.948th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlÀine BrackenWJ13500 meter[34]01:53.812th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlLauren CunninghamWJ13500 meter[8]02:05.340th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlSophie ReynoldsWJ13500 meter[19]01:50.65th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlCiara ConnaughtonWJ13500 meter[31]02:13.062nd
Athlone boat club
AthlEmily TempleWJ13500 meter[40]02:06.645th
Athlone boat club
AthlFelicity HeaslipWJ13500 meter[56]01:55.615th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlSarah HandWJ14500 meter[15]did not start
Athlone Boat Club
AthlElla ColshWJ14500 meter[41]did not start
Athlone boat club
AthlJessica BolgerWJ14500 meter[43]02:03.741st
Athlone boat club
AthlIsabella HarringtonWJ14500 meter[50]02:02.837th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlSarah RockettWJ14500 meter[53]01:44.33rd
Athlone Boat Club
AthlAndrea DoranWJ14500 meter[56]01:49.910th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlDominick CunninghamMJ14500 meter[28]01:46.147th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlRichard HeaslipMJ14500 meter[9]01:31.22nd
Athlone Boat Club
AthlCillian DonlonMJ14500 meter[34]01:44.036th
Athlone rowing club
AthlConor KennyMJ15500 meter[33]01:45.738th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlAnna OGradyWJ15500 meter[39]did not start
Athlone Boat Club
AthlAdam KennyMJ16500 meter[15]01:36.09th
Athlone Boat Club
AthlRian ClaffeyMJ16500 meter[16]01:23.91st
Athlone Boat Club
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