GBRGreat Britain#
ABSAbingdon Sch 6
 Abingdon School Boat Club
 Agecroft Rowing Club
AKNAuriol Kensington3
 Auriol Kensington Rowing Club
 Ardingly Rowing Club
 Army Rowing Club
ASLAmerican Sch2
 American School In London Boat Club
BAUBath Univ2
 Bath University Boat Club
BDSBedford Sch5
 Bedford School Boat Club
BEBBewl Bridge1
 Bewl Bridge Rowing Club
BEXBexhill RC1
 Bexhill Rowing Club
BIDBideford ARC1
 Bideford Amateur Rowing Club
BLSBlack Sheep1
 Black Sheep Rowing Club
BRABristol Ariel1
 Bristol Ariel Rowing Club
BRXBroxbourne RC1
 Broxbourne Rowing Club
 Cantabrigian Rowing Club
CAMCity of Cambridge 5
 City of Cambridge Rowing Club
CANCanford Sch2
 Canford School Boat Club
CBRCity of Bristol 5
 City of Bristol Rowing Club
CCSClaires Court Sch6
 Claires Court School Boat Club
CFUCardiff Univ RC1
 Cardiff University Rowing Club
CLDClydesdale ARC1
 Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club
CNNCambridge 993
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club
COXCity of Oxford4
 City of Oxford Rowing Club
CSHSheffield City1
 Sheffield, City Of, Rowing Club
CSNSunderland City1
 Sunderland, City Of, Rowing Club
CSTCastra BC1
 Castra Boat Club
CUBCambridge Univ1
 Cambridge University Boat Club
 Curlew Rowing Club
DATDart Totnes ARC3
 Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club
DBYDerby RC2
 Derby Rowing Club
DUBDurham Univ BC2
 Durham University Boat Club
DULDulwich Coll9
 Dulwich College Boat Club
EHUEdinburgh Univ BC4
 Edinburgh University Boat Club
EMAEmanuel Sch1
 Emanuel School Boat Club
ETNEton Coll7
 Eton College Boat Club
EXUUniv of Exeter2
 University of Exeter Boat Club
FULFulham Reach1
 Fulham Reach Boat Club
GHSGeorge Heriots Sch1
 George Heriot's School Rowing Club
GLUGlasgow Univ BC2
 Glasgow University Boat Club
GMSGt Marlow Sch3
 Great Marlow School Boat Club
GRNGrange Sch3
 Grange School, The Rowing Club
 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester
GUIGuildford RC1
 Guildford Rowing Club
GWCGeorge Watsons Coll2
 George Watsons College RC
HABHaberdashers Monmouth Sch1
 Haberdashers Monmouth School Rowing Club
HAMHampton Sch BC5
 Hampton School Boat Club
HATHatfield Coll2
 Hatfield College Boat Club
HCSHereford Cathedral Sch1
 Hereford Cathedral School Boat Club
HENHenley RC6
 Henley Rowing Club
HERHereford RC3
 Hereford Rowing Club
HINHinksey Sculling Sch3
 Hinksey Sculling School
HPYHartpury Univ & Coll4
 Hartpury University & College Boat Club
HWGRGS High Wycombe5
 Royal Grammar Sch. High Wycombe Boat Club
IMPImperial Coll3
 Imperial College Boat Club
KCAKings Sch Canterbury1
 Kings School Canterbury, The, Boat Club
KCHKings Sch Chester3
 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club
KCLKings Coll London1
 Kings College London Boat Club
KCSKings College Sch11
 Kings College School Boat Club
KGSKingston GS7
 Kingston Grammar School Boat Club
KHSKew House Sch8
 Kew House School Boat Club
KRCKingston RC8
 Kingston Rowing Club
KSWKings Sch Worcs2
 Kings School Worcester, The, Boat Club
LAULancaster Univ3
 Lancaster University Boat Club
LBSLoughborough Students1
 Loughborough Students Rowing Ltd
 Leander Club
LDULeeds Univ1
 Leeds University Boat Club
 Lea Rowing Club
LEELeeds RC2
 Leeds Rowing Club
LRCLondon RC9
 London Rowing Club
LTULatymer Upper Sch5
 Latymer Upper School Boat Club
 Lymington Amateur Rowing Club
MARMarlow RC15
 Marlow Rowing Club
MBCMolesey BC9
 Molesey Boat Club
MHDMaidenhead RC3
 Maidenhead Rowing Club
MINMinerva Bath3
 Minerva Bath Rowing Club
MNKMonkton Combe Sch2
 Monkton Combe School Boat Club
 Nottinghamshire County Rowing Assn
NEWNewcastle Univ4
 Newcastle University Boat Club
NGUNottingham Univ4
 Nottingham University Boat Club
NORNorwich RC1
 Norwich Rowing Club
NOWNorthwich RC3
 Northwich Rowing Club
NRCNottingham RC3
 Nottingham Rowing Club
NSCNorwich Sch4
 Norwich School Boat Club
NSHNonesuch BC2
 Nonesuch Boat Club
NTNNorthampton RC1
 Northampton Rowing Club
NUNNott'm & Union1
 Nottingham and Union Rowing Club
NWKNewark RC1
 Newark Rowing Club
OUBOxford Univ BC8
 Oxford University Boat Club
OUNOundle Sch1
 Oundle School Boat Club
OXBOxford Brookes Univ13
 Oxford Brookes University Boat Club
PANPangbourne Coll2
 Pangbourne College Boat Club
PETPeterborough City1
 Peterborough City Rowing Club
PMBPembroke Coll (O) BC1
 Pembroke College (Oxford) Boat Club
PTRPutney Town RC1
 Putney Town Rowing Club
RADRadley College12
 Radley College Boat Club
RBLReading Blue Coat Sch5
 Reading Blue Coat School Boat Club
RCHRoyal Chester3
 Royal Chester Rowing Club
RDGReading RC3
 Reading Rowing Club
RDUReading Univ BC5
 Reading University Boat Club
 Rex Boat Club
SAAStar & Arrow1
 Star and Arrow Club
SANSt Andrew BC1
 St Andrew Boat Club
SBTSurbiton HS2
 Surbiton High School Boat Club
 Selwyn College Boat Club
SESSt Edwards Sch3
 St Edwards School Boat Club
SGCSt Georges Coll2
 St Georges College Boat Club
SHGSt Hughs BC1
 St Hugh's Boat Club
SHPShiplake Coll7
 Shiplake College Boat Club
SHRRoyal Shrewsbury Sch5
 Royal Shrewsbury School Boat Club
 Southampton Coalporters ARC
SONSons of the Thames2
 Sons of the Thames Rowing Club
SOUSouthampton Univ2
 Southampton University Boat Club
SPSSt Pauls Sch BC10
 St Pauls School Boat Club
SPYSt Peters Sch1
 St Peter's School Boat Club
SRCSudbury RC2
 Sudbury Rowing Club
STAStar Club1
 Star Club
STGStirling RC2
 Stirling Rowing Club
SWBSir W Borlase's GS BC3
 Sir William Borlase's Gram Sch Boat Club
TFNTiffin Sch2
 Tiffin School Boat Club
TRCThames RC15
 Thames Rowing Club
TSSTideway Scullers Sch7
 Tideway Scullers School
TWKTwickenham RC1
 Twickenham Rowing Club
 Tyne Amateur Rowing Club
UBIBirmingham Univ1
 Birmingham, University of, Boat Club
UBRBristol Univ2
 Bristol, University of, Boat Club
UEAEast Anglia Univ4
 East Anglia, University of, Boat Club
UKAUK Armed Forces1
 UK Armed Forces Rowing Club
ULOUniv of London BC4
 London, University of, Boat Club
USUUniv of Surrey BC3
 University of Surrey Boat Club
UTCUpper Thames RC4
 Upper Thames Rowing Club
UWEW of England Univ1
 West of England, University of, Boat Club
UWKWarwick Univ2
 Warwick, University of, Boat Club
UWSSwansea Univ RC1
 Swansea University Rowing Club
UYOUniv of York3
 University of York Boat Club
VRCVesta RC6
 Vesta Rowing Club
WBSWindsor Boys Sch17
 Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club
WESWestminster Sch3
 Westminster School Boat Club
 Wimbleball Rowing Club
WINWinchester Coll2
 Winchester College Boat Club
WOOWolfson Coll (O) BC1
 Wolfson College (Oxford) Boat Club
WRRWorcester RC1
 Worcester Rowing Club
WYCWycliffe Coll1
 Wycliffe College Boat Club
YRKYork City1
 York City Rowing Club
ZAOXMercantile RC (AUS)2
 Mercantile Rowing Club, AUS
ZAPED S R Proteus-Eretes (NLD)1
 D S R Proteus-Eretes, Netherlands
ZEAZAustralian National Univ BC (AUS)1
 Australian National University Boat Club, Canberra, Australia
ZHAEWaikato Rowing Club, NZ1
 Waikato Rowing Club, NZ
ZHBKPine Rivers, Qld (AUS)1
 Pine Rivers Rowing Club, Qld, Australia
ZHZHarvard Univ. USA1
 Harvard University Boat, USA Club
ZTVTel Aviv RC1
 Tel Aviv Rowing Club, ISR
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