GBR | Great Britain | #
ABS | Abingdon Sch | 6 |
| Abingdon School Boat Club | |
AGE | Agecroft | 3 |
| Agecroft Rowing Club | |
AKN | Auriol Kensington | 3 |
| Auriol Kensington Rowing Club | |
ARD | Ardingly | 1 |
| Ardingly Rowing Club | |
ARM | Army RC | 1 |
| Army Rowing Club | |
ASL | American Sch | 2 |
| American School In London Boat Club | |
BAU | Bath Univ | 2 |
| Bath University Boat Club | |
BDS | Bedford Sch | 5 |
| Bedford School Boat Club | |
BEB | Bewl Bridge | 1 |
| Bewl Bridge Rowing Club | |
BEX | Bexhill RC | 1 |
| Bexhill Rowing Club | |
BID | Bideford ARC | 1 |
| Bideford Amateur Rowing Club | |
BLS | Black Sheep | 1 |
| Black Sheep Rowing Club | |
BRA | Bristol Ariel | 1 |
| Bristol Ariel Rowing Club | |
BRX | Broxbourne RC | 1 |
| Broxbourne Rowing Club | |
CAB | Cantabrigian | 1 |
| Cantabrigian Rowing Club | |
CAM | City of Cambridge | 5 |
| City of Cambridge Rowing Club | |
CAN | Canford Sch | 2 |
| Canford School Boat Club | |
CBR | City of Bristol | 5 |
| City of Bristol Rowing Club | |
CCS | Claires Court Sch | 6 |
| Claires Court School Boat Club | |
CFU | Cardiff Univ RC | 1 |
| Cardiff University Rowing Club | |
CLD | Clydesdale ARC | 1 |
| Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club | |
CNN | Cambridge 99 | 3 |
| Cambridge 99 Rowing Club | |
COX | City of Oxford | 4 |
| City of Oxford Rowing Club | |
CSH | Sheffield City | 1 |
| Sheffield, City Of, Rowing Club | |
CSN | Sunderland City | 1 |
| Sunderland, City Of, Rowing Club | |
CST | Castra BC | 1 |
| Castra Boat Club | |
CUB | Cambridge Univ | 1 |
| Cambridge University Boat Club | |
CUR | Curlew | 2 |
| Curlew Rowing Club | |
DAT | Dart Totnes ARC | 3 |
| Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club | |
DBY | Derby RC | 2 |
| Derby Rowing Club | |
DUB | Durham Univ BC | 2 |
| Durham University Boat Club | |
DUL | Dulwich Coll | 9 |
| Dulwich College Boat Club | |
EHU | Edinburgh Univ BC | 4 |
| Edinburgh University Boat Club | |
EMA | Emanuel Sch | 1 |
| Emanuel School Boat Club | |
ETN | Eton Coll | 7 |
| Eton College Boat Club | |
EXU | Univ of Exeter | 2 |
| University of Exeter Boat Club | |
FUL | Fulham Reach | 1 |
| Fulham Reach Boat Club | |
GHS | George Heriots Sch | 1 |
| George Heriot's School Rowing Club | |
GLU | Glasgow Univ BC | 2 |
| Glasgow University Boat Club | |
GMS | Gt Marlow Sch | 3 |
| Great Marlow School Boat Club | |
GRN | Grange Sch | 3 |
| Grange School, The Rowing Club | |
GRO | Grosvenor | 1 |
| Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester | |
GUI | Guildford RC | 1 |
| Guildford Rowing Club | |
GWC | George Watsons Coll | 2 |
| George Watsons College RC | |
HAB | Haberdashers Monmouth Sch | 1 |
| Haberdashers Monmouth School Rowing Club | |
HAM | Hampton Sch BC | 5 |
| Hampton School Boat Club | |
HAT | Hatfield Coll | 2 |
| Hatfield College Boat Club | |
HCS | Hereford Cathedral Sch | 1 |
| Hereford Cathedral School Boat Club | |
HEN | Henley RC | 6 |
| Henley Rowing Club | |
HER | Hereford RC | 3 |
| Hereford Rowing Club | |
HIN | Hinksey Sculling Sch | 3 |
| Hinksey Sculling School | |
HPY | Hartpury Univ & Coll | 4 |
| Hartpury University & College Boat Club | |
HWG | RGS High Wycombe | 5 |
| Royal Grammar Sch. High Wycombe Boat Club | |
IMP | Imperial Coll | 3 |
| Imperial College Boat Club | |
KCA | Kings Sch Canterbury | 1 |
| Kings School Canterbury, The, Boat Club | |
KCH | Kings Sch Chester | 3 |
| Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club | |
KCL | Kings Coll London | 1 |
| Kings College London Boat Club | |
KCS | Kings College Sch | 11 |
| Kings College School Boat Club | |
KGS | Kingston GS | 7 |
| Kingston Grammar School Boat Club | |
KHS | Kew House Sch | 8 |
| Kew House School Boat Club | |
KRC | Kingston RC | 8 |
| Kingston Rowing Club | |
KSW | Kings Sch Worcs | 2 |
| Kings School Worcester, The, Boat Club | |
LAU | Lancaster Univ | 3 |
| Lancaster University Boat Club | |
LBS | Loughborough Students | 1 |
| Loughborough Students Rowing Ltd | |
LDR | Leander | 13 |
| Leander Club | |
LDU | Leeds Univ | 1 |
| Leeds University Boat Club | |
LEA | Lea RC | 9 |
| Lea Rowing Club | |
LEE | Leeds RC | 2 |
| Leeds Rowing Club | |
LRC | London RC | 9 |
| London Rowing Club | |
LTU | Latymer Upper Sch | 5 |
| Latymer Upper School Boat Club | |
LYM | Lymington | 1 |
| Lymington Amateur Rowing Club | |
MAR | Marlow RC | 15 |
| Marlow Rowing Club | |
MBC | Molesey BC | 9 |
| Molesey Boat Club | |
MHD | Maidenhead RC | 3 |
| Maidenhead Rowing Club | |
MIN | Minerva Bath | 3 |
| Minerva Bath Rowing Club | |
MNK | Monkton Combe Sch | 2 |
| Monkton Combe School Boat Club | |
NCR | Notts CRA | 1 |
| Nottinghamshire County Rowing Assn | |
NEW | Newcastle Univ | 4 |
| Newcastle University Boat Club | |
NGU | Nottingham Univ | 4 |
| Nottingham University Boat Club | |
NOR | Norwich RC | 1 |
| Norwich Rowing Club | |
NOW | Northwich RC | 3 |
| Northwich Rowing Club | |
NRC | Nottingham RC | 3 |
| Nottingham Rowing Club | |
NSC | Norwich Sch | 4 |
| Norwich School Boat Club | |
NSH | Nonesuch BC | 2 |
| Nonesuch Boat Club | |
NTN | Northampton RC | 1 |
| Northampton Rowing Club | |
NUN | Nott'm & Union | 1 |
| Nottingham and Union Rowing Club | |
NWK | Newark RC | 1 |
| Newark Rowing Club | |
OUB | Oxford Univ BC | 8 |
| Oxford University Boat Club | |
OUN | Oundle Sch | 1 |
| Oundle School Boat Club | |
OXB | Oxford Brookes Univ | 13 |
| Oxford Brookes University Boat Club | |
PAN | Pangbourne Coll | 2 |
| Pangbourne College Boat Club | |
PET | Peterborough City | 1 |
| Peterborough City Rowing Club | |
PMB | Pembroke Coll (O) BC | 1 |
| Pembroke College (Oxford) Boat Club | |
PTR | Putney Town RC | 1 |
| Putney Town Rowing Club | |
RAD | Radley College | 12 |
| Radley College Boat Club | |
RBL | Reading Blue Coat Sch | 5 |
| Reading Blue Coat School Boat Club | |
RCH | Royal Chester | 3 |
| Royal Chester Rowing Club | |
RDG | Reading RC | 3 |
| Reading Rowing Club | |
RDU | Reading Univ BC | 5 |
| Reading University Boat Club | |
REX | Rex BC | 1 |
| Rex Boat Club | |
SAA | Star & Arrow | 1 |
| Star and Arrow Club | |
SAN | St Andrew BC | 1 |
| St Andrew Boat Club | |
SBT | Surbiton HS | 2 |
| Surbiton High School Boat Club | |
SEL | Selwyn | 1 |
| Selwyn College Boat Club | |
SES | St Edwards Sch | 3 |
| St Edwards School Boat Club | |
SGC | St Georges Coll | 2 |
| St Georges College Boat Club | |
SHG | St Hughs BC | 1 |
| St Hugh's Boat Club | |
SHP | Shiplake Coll | 7 |
| Shiplake College Boat Club | |
SHR | Royal Shrewsbury Sch | 5 |
| Royal Shrewsbury School Boat Club | |
SOC | Coalporters | 2 |
| Southampton Coalporters ARC | |
SON | Sons of the Thames | 2 |
| Sons of the Thames Rowing Club | |
SOU | Southampton Univ | 2 |
| Southampton University Boat Club | |
SPS | St Pauls Sch BC | 10 |
| St Pauls School Boat Club | |
SPY | St Peters Sch | 1 |
| St Peter's School Boat Club | |
SRC | Sudbury RC | 2 |
| Sudbury Rowing Club | |
STA | Star Club | 1 |
| Star Club | |
STG | Stirling RC | 2 |
| Stirling Rowing Club | |
SWB | Sir W Borlase's GS BC | 3 |
| Sir William Borlase's Gram Sch Boat Club | |
TFN | Tiffin Sch | 2 |
| Tiffin School Boat Club | |
TRC | Thames RC | 15 |
| Thames Rowing Club | |
TSS | Tideway Scullers Sch | 7 |
| Tideway Scullers School | |
TWK | Twickenham RC | 1 |
| Twickenham Rowing Club | |
TYN | Tyne ARC | 4 |
| Tyne Amateur Rowing Club | |
UBI | Birmingham Univ | 1 |
| Birmingham, University of, Boat Club | |
UBR | Bristol Univ | 2 |
| Bristol, University of, Boat Club | |
UEA | East Anglia Univ | 4 |
| East Anglia, University of, Boat Club | |
UKA | UK Armed Forces | 1 |
| UK Armed Forces Rowing Club | |
ULO | Univ of London BC | 4 |
| London, University of, Boat Club | |
USU | Univ of Surrey BC | 3 |
| University of Surrey Boat Club | |
UTC | Upper Thames RC | 4 |
| Upper Thames Rowing Club | |
UWE | W of England Univ | 1 |
| West of England, University of, Boat Club | |
UWK | Warwick Univ | 2 |
| Warwick, University of, Boat Club | |
UWS | Swansea Univ RC | 1 |
| Swansea University Rowing Club | |
UYO | Univ of York | 3 |
| University of York Boat Club | |
VRC | Vesta RC | 6 |
| Vesta Rowing Club | |
WBS | Windsor Boys Sch | 17 |
| Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club | |
WES | Westminster Sch | 3 |
| Westminster School Boat Club | |
WIM | Wimbleball | 1 |
| Wimbleball Rowing Club | |
WIN | Winchester Coll | 2 |
| Winchester College Boat Club | |
WOO | Wolfson Coll (O) BC | 1 |
| Wolfson College (Oxford) Boat Club | |
WRR | Worcester RC | 1 |
| Worcester Rowing Club | |
WYC | Wycliffe Coll | 1 |
| Wycliffe College Boat Club | |
YRK | York City | 1 |
| York City Rowing Club | |
ZAOX | Mercantile RC (AUS) | 2 |
| Mercantile Rowing Club, AUS | |
ZAPE | D S R Proteus-Eretes (NLD) | 1 |
| D S R Proteus-Eretes, Netherlands | |
ZEAZ | Australian National Univ BC (AUS) | 1 |
| Australian National University Boat Club, Canberra, Australia | |
ZHAE | Waikato Rowing Club, NZ | 1 |
| Waikato Rowing Club, NZ | |
ZHBK | Pine Rivers, Qld (AUS) | 1 |
| Pine Rivers Rowing Club, Qld, Australia | |
ZHZ | Harvard Univ. USA | 1 |
| Harvard University Boat, USA Club | |
ZTV | Tel Aviv RC | 1 |
| Tel Aviv Rowing Club, ISR | |