
25 May 2019

GHP36Gloucester Hartpury2nd 4xTime TrialSat, 08:15
Tiernan Purkess
GHP206Gloucester Hartpury ACh 4xTime TrialSat, 10:25
George Reed
GHP220Gloucester Hartpury AChG 2xTime TrialSat, 10:50
Charlotte Enright
GHP232Gloucester Hartpury BChG 2xTime TrialSat, 10:50
Karrie Spencer
GHPGloucester Hartpury ACh 4xSemifinal A/B 2Sat, 14:23[7]
George Reed
GHPGloucester Hartpury BChG 2xSemifinal A/B 1Sat, 14:29[3]
Karrie Spencer
GHPGloucester Hartpury AChG 2xSemifinal A/B 1Sat, 14:29[5]
Charlotte Enright
GHPGloucester Hartpury2nd 4xFinal ASat, 15:47[7]
Tiernan Purkess
GHPGloucester Hartpury ACh 4xFinal ASat, 17:28[2]
George Reed
GHPGloucester Hartpury BChG 2xFinal BSat, 17:40[3]
Karrie Spencer
GHPGloucester Hartpury AChG 2xFinal ASat, 17:46[4]
Charlotte Enright


26 May 2019

GHP194Gloucester Hartpury ACh 2xTime TrialSun, 09:10
George Reed
GHP201Gloucester Hartpury BCh 2xTime TrialSun, 09:10
Tiernan Purkess
GHP206Gloucester Hartpury CCh 2xTime TrialSun, 09:10
Matis Dennett
GHP233Fergus WoolnoughCh 1xTime TrialSun, 09:30
Gloucester Hartpury B
GHP250Robert KilgourCh 1xTime TrialSun, 09:30
Gloucester Hartpury A
GHP343Gloucester HartpuryChG 4xTime TrialSun, 10:20
Ruth McAteer
GHPGloucester Hartpury ACh 2xSemifinal A/B 1Sun, 13:02[2]
George Reed
GHPGloucester HartpuryChG 4xSemifinal A/B 2Sun, 13:56[5]
Ruth McAteer
GHPRobert KilgourCh 1xFinal CSun, 14:32[3]
Gloucester Hartpury A
GHPGloucester Hartpury ACh 2xFinal ASun, 15:56[2]
George Reed
GHPGloucester HartpuryChG 4xFinal ASun, 16:44[2]
Ruth McAteer
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