USA | United States | #
ACRA | ACRA | 2 |
| Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. | |
AGE | Academy of Greatness & Excellence | 1 |
| Academy of Greatness & Excellence | |
AHN-FL | Holy Names-FL | 1 |
| The Academy of the Holy Names Rowing Club, Inc. | |
AJRAI | Annapolis Junior Rowing | 2 |
| Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. | |
AMSK | Amoskeag | 1 |
| Amoskeag Rowing Club | |
ARC | Albany RC | 3 |
| O.A.R.S., Inc. dba Albany Rowing Center | |
ARC | Austin | 6 |
| Austin Rowing Club | |
ATLJR | Atlanta Junior | 9 |
| Atlanta Junior Rowing Association | |
Atomic | Atomic | 3 |
| Atomic Rowing | |
BABR | Bromfield Acton Boxborough | 1 |
| Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing | |
BBR | Burton Beach Rowing | 1 |
| Burton Beach Rowing Club | |
BELHIL | Belmont Hill | 2 |
| Belmont Hill School | |
BHRA | Burnt Hills RA | 1 |
| Burnt Hills Rowing Association, Inc. | |
BIR | Bainbridge Island | 4 |
| Bainbridge Island Rowing | |
BJP | Belen Jesuit Crew | 6 |
| Belen Jesuit Prep School | |
BKLN | Brookline | 3 |
| Brookline High School | |
BLAIR | Blair | 2 |
| Blair Academy Crew | |
Bolles | The Bolles School | 3 |
| The Bolles School | |
BOSLA | Boston Latin | 2 |
| Boston Latin School Crew | |
BRC | Baltimore | 1 |
| Baltimore Rowing Club | |
BRC | Belmont | 1 |
| North Charlotte Rowing, Inc. dba Belmont Rowing Center | |
BRC | Brighton RC | 2 |
| Brighton Rowing Club, Inc. | |
BRPH | Brophy | 2 |
| Brophy College Preparatory Crew | |
BSBC | Brunswick School | 2 |
| Brunswick School Boat Club | |
BSC | Brooks School Crew | 2 |
| Brooks School Crew | |
C.I.R | City Island | 1 |
| City Island Rowing | |
Casitas | Casitas | 2 |
| Lake Casitas Rowing Association | |
CBC | Cambridge | 5 |
| Cambridge Boat Club | |
CBC | Connecticut | 6 |
| Connecticut Boat Club | |
CCHS | Central Catholic Pitt | 4 |
| Central Catholic Crew (Pittsburgh) | |
CFJ | Cleveland Foundry Juniors | 2 |
| Cleveland Foundry Juniors | |
CHMD | Chaminade | 2 |
| Chaminade High School | |
CHS | Canisius | 4 |
| Canisius High School | |
CIRC | Channel Islands Rowing Club | 2 |
| Channel Islands Rowing Club | |
CJRC | Cincinnati Juniors | 5 |
| Cincinnati Jr. Rowing Club, Inc. | |
CLCR | CoventryLakeCommunityRowing | 1 |
| Coventry Lake Community Rowing Inc. | |
CNST | Conestoga | 8 |
| Conestoga Crew Club | |
COR | Central Ohio | 1 |
| Central Ohio Rowing | |
CPCRL | Cape Coral | 1 |
| Cape Coral Rowing Club | |
CPTL | Capital | 2 |
| Capital Crew | |
CPTLRC | Capital | 1 |
| Capital Rowing Club | |
CRF | Chicago | 7 |
| Chicago Rowing Foundation | |
CRI | CRI | 11 |
| Community Rowing, Inc. | |
CRI/RB | Row Boston | 1 |
| CRI- Row Boston | |
CRRC | Camp Randall | 7 |
| Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc | |
CYC | California Yacht Club | 3 |
| California Yacht Club | |
CYR | Charlotte Youth | 4 |
| Charlotte Youth Rowing | |
DBC | Dayton | 4 |
| Dayton Boat Club | |
DBCC | Detroit Boat Club Crew | 5 |
| Detroit Boat Club Crew | |
DCNRC | D.C. National | 3 |
| D.C. National Rowing Club | |
DEERF | Deerfield | 4 |
| Deerfield Academy Crew | |
DRC | Dallas | 2 |
| Dallas Rowing Club | |
DUC | Dallas United Crew | 8 |
| Dallas United Crew, Inc. | |
ECC | E City Crew | 1 |
| Elizabeth City Rowing Club | |
ECS | Episcopal Collegiate School | 1 |
| Episcopal Collegiate School | |
EPS | Eastside Prep | 1 |
| Eastside Preparatory School | |
ERA | Everett RA | 2 |
| Everett Rowing Association | |
ERC | Eugene Rowing Club | 3 |
| Eugene Rowing Club | |
ESD | Episcopal School of Dallas | 4 |
| Episcopal School of Dallas | |
FCRC | First Coast | 4 |
| First Coast Rowing Club | |
FDR | Roosevelt HS | 1 |
| F.D. Roosevelt H.S.-Hyde Park Rowing Assoc | |
FOCC | Concord Crew | 1 |
| Friends of Concord Crew | |
FP | Fordham Prep | 1 |
| Fordham Preparatory School | |
FRC | Founders Rowing | 3 |
| Founders Rowing Club | |
GAR | Gainesville Area | 2 |
| Gainesville Area Rowing, Inc. | |
GBR | Great Bay | 2 |
| Great Bay Rowing | |
GC | Greenwich Crew | 14 |
| Greenwich Crew | |
GCDS | Greenwich Country Day School | 1 |
| Greenwich Country Day School | |
GEM | Gem City Crew | 2 |
| Gem City Crew, Inc. | |
GFSR | Germantown Friends | 5 |
| Germantown Friends School Rowing | |
GHRC | Greater Houston | 2 |
| Greater Houston Rowing Club | |
GLC | Green Lake | 8 |
| Green Lake Crew | |
GMRC | Great Miami Crew | 2 |
| Great Miami Rowing Center | |
GMS | GMS Rowing | 2 |
| GMS Rowing Center | |
HGP | Holy Ghost Prep | 1 |
| Holy Ghost Preparatory School | |
HHC | Harpeth Hall | 1 |
| Harpeth Hall Crew | |
HNA | Holy Names | 3 |
| Holy Names Academy | |
HOCK | Hockaday | 6 |
| The Hockaday School | |
HRA | Halifax | 1 |
| Halifax Rowing Association, Inc. | |
HTHS | Haddon Twp | 2 |
| Haddon Township High School | |
Hun School | The Hun School | 1 |
| The Hun School | |
IHS | Inglemoor | 1 |
| Inglemoor High School | |
Iowa | Hawkeye Community Rowing | 1 |
| University of Iowa Recreational Services | |
IRC | Indianapolis RC | 5 |
| Indianapolis Rowing Center | |
JFWR | JFW Rowing | 1 |
| JFW Rowing | |
LBJC | Long Beach Junior Crew | 7 |
| Long Beach Junior Crew | |
LGRC | Los Gatos | 14 |
| Los Gatos Rowing Club | |
LIRC | Long Island RC | 3 |
| Long Island Rowing Club, Inc. | |
LITCH | Litchfield Hills | 6 |
| Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. | |
LLRC | Lake Lanier RC | 1 |
| Lake Lanier Rowing Club | |
LLRCrew | Long Lake Rowing Crew | 3 |
| Long Lake Rowing Crew | |
LLVRC | Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club | 1 |
| Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club | |
LMHS | Lower Merion | 1 |
| Lower Merion High School Crew (Ardmore) | |
LOCR | Lake Oswego Community Rowing | 4 |
| Lake Oswego Community Rowing | |
LPBC | Lincoln Park BC | 2 |
| Lincoln Park Boat Club | |
LPR | Lake Phalen | 4 |
| Lake Phalen Rowing | |
LSC | Lakeside | 2 |
| Lakeside School | |
LSCHS | La Salle | 1 |
| La Salle College High School | |
MAC | Marina Aquatic Center | 5 |
| Marina Aquatic Center Junior Rowing | |
MBA | Montgomery Bell Academy | 1 |
| Montgomery Bell Academy | |
MBC | Mt. Baker | 5 |
| Mt. Baker Crew | |
MBRC | Miami Beach RC | 8 |
| Miami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club | |
MCYR | Manatee County Youth | 1 |
| Manatee County Youth Rowing | |
MDSX | Middlesex | 2 |
| Middlesex School | |
MHRC | Mile High | 4 |
| Mile High Rowing Club | |
MHS | Montclair | 5 |
| Montclair High School | |
MHSRC | Moorestown Rowing Club | 7 |
| Moorestown Rowing Club | |
MILRC | Milwaukee | 3 |
| The Milwaukee Rowing Club | |
MINNRC | Minneapolis Rowing Club | 1 |
| Minneapolis Rowing Club | |
MIRH | RowHouse | 1 |
| Miami International RowHouse | |
Mohawk | Mohawk | 1 |
| Mohawk Homeschool Rowing Association | |
MPS | Malvern Preparatory School | 4 |
| Malvern Preparatory School | |
MRA | Marin | 6 |
| Marin Rowing Association | |
MRC | Maritime RC | 15 |
| Maritime Rowing Club | |
MRWC | Miami RC | 4 |
| Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. | |
MTSTJ | Mount Saint Joseph | 5 |
| Mount Saint Joseph Academy | |
NAC | Newport | 8 |
| Newport Aquatic Center | |
NARR | Narragansett | 7 |
| Narragansett Boat Club | |
NBC | Nereid | 9 |
| Nereid Boat Club, Inc. | |
NBRC | North Bay | 4 |
| North Bay Rowing Club | |
NC | Norcal Crew | 11 |
| Norcal Crew | |
NDC | Notre Dame Crew | 1 |
| Notre Dame Crew | |
NHSRC | Northville RC | 2 |
| Northville Rowing Club | |
Nobles | Nobles | 2 |
| Noble & Greenough School | |
NPBRC | North Palm Beach | 5 |
| North Palm Beach Rowing Club | |
NRC | Newport RC | 3 |
| Newport Rowing Club | |
NRR | Navesink River | 2 |
| Navesink River Rowing | |
NRRA | Norwalk River | 10 |
| Norwalk River Rowing Association | |
NSBR | Newport Sea Base Rowing | 8 |
| Newport Sea Base Rowing | |
NTHS | New Trier | 6 |
| New Trier High School Rowing | |
NVC | Northview | 1 |
| Northview High School | |
OAR | Olympia Area | 1 |
| Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) | |
OARS | OARS | 9 |
| Orlando Area Rowing Society, Inc. | |
OBCR | Oyster Bay Community Rowing | 2 |
| Oyster Bay Community Rowing | |
OCBC | Orlando City BC | 2 |
| Orlando City Boat Club | |
OKC | OKC Riversport | 4 |
| OKC Riversport | |
ONRA | Oak Neck RA | 9 |
| Oak Neck Rowing Academy | |
ORU | Oregon Unlimited | 13 |
| Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX | |
OS | Oakland Strokes | 9 |
| Oakland Strokes, Inc. | |
PAC | Pacific | 5 |
| Pacific Rowing Club | |
Parati | Parati | 6 |
| Parati Competitive Rowing | |
PBC | Potomac | 1 |
| Potomac Boat Club | |
PC | Pittsford Crew | 4 |
| Pittsford Crew | |
PCRA | PCRA | 2 |
| Pelham Community Rowing Association | |
PEA | Phillips Exeter | 1 |
| Phillips Exeter Academy | |
PENNAC | Penn AC | 1 |
| Penn A.C. Rowing Association | |
PJRC | The Port Jefferson Rowing Club | 8 |
| The Port Jefferson Rowing Club | |
PNRA | PNRA/Mercer | 9 |
| Princeton National Rowing Association/Mercer | |
PR | Port Rowing | 8 |
| Port Rowing | |
PSHS | Parkersburg South | 2 |
| Parkersburg South HS Crew | |
PUT | Putney | 1 |
| Putney School | |
PVRC | Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club | 2 |
| Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club | |
PYR | Pocock | 5 |
| Pocock Youth Rowing | |
RAR | RowAmerica Rye | 19 |
| RowAmerica Rye | |
RBC | Riverside | 1 |
| Riverside Boat Club | |
RC | Ridgewood Crew | 6 |
| Ridgewood Crew Foundation | |
RCC | River City | 1 |
| River City Crew | |
RCRC | River City | 6 |
| River City Rowing Club | |
RCRC | Rose City | 3 |
| Rose City Rowing Club | |
RG | Row Georgia | 2 |
| Row Georgia | |
RNJ | Row New Jersey | 8 |
| Row New Jersey | |
RNY-M | RNY - Manhattan | 1 |
| Row New York - Manhattan | |
RNY-Q | RNY - Queens | 3 |
| Row New York - Queens | |
RowLA | RowLA | 2 |
| RowLA | |
RR | Rogue Rowing | 3 |
| Rogue Rowing | |
RRA | Rockland | 6 |
| Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. | |
RRC | Renton | 1 |
| Renton Rowing Center | |
RRCM | Rochester RC MN | 5 |
| Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota | |
RS | Redwood Scullers | 7 |
| Redwood Scullers/PACJC | |
SARC | St. Andrew RC | 12 |
| St. Andrew Rowing Club | |
SAUG | Saugatuck | 13 |
| Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC | |
SBCR | Santa Barbara Community Rowing | 1 |
| Santa Barbara Community Rowing | |
SBPS | St. Benedict's Prep | 3 |
| St. Benedict's Preparatory School | |
SC | Sarasota Crew | 14 |
| Sarasota Crew | |
SCC | Space Coast Crew | 6 |
| Space Coast Crew | |
SDRC | San Diego RC | 5 |
| San Diego Rowing Club | |
SEA | Seattle Scullers | 3 |
| Seattle Scullers | |
SICP | Saint Ignatius | 2 |
| St. Ignatius College Prep | |
SICR | St. Ignatius Chicago | 1 |
| Saint Ignatius Chicago Rowing, Inc. | |
SJP | St. Joseph's Prep | 7 |
| St. Joseph's Preparatory School | |
SJRC | South Jersey Rowing Club | 9 |
| South Jersey Rowing Club | |
SMA | San Miguel Academy | 2 |
| San Miguel Academy | |
SORA | SORA | 3 |
| South Orlando Rowing Association | |
SPPS | St. Peters Prep | 1 |
| St. Peters Preparatory School | |
SPS | Seattle Preparatory School | 9 |
| Seattle Preparatory School | |
SQS | Sasquatch Scullers | 1 |
| Sasquatch Scullers | |
SRA | Sammamish RA | 4 |
| Sammamish Rowing Association | |
SRA | Saratoga | 6 |
| Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School | |
SRC | Star Rowing | 2 |
| Star Rowing Center LLC | |
Steel | Steel City | 1 |
| Steel City Rowing Club | |
STLRC | St. Louis | 3 |
| St. Louis Rowing Club | |
STM | St. Mark's | 1 |
| St. Mark's School of Texas | |
Sylvan | Sylvan Scullers | 3 |
| Sylvan Scullers | |
Taft | Taft School | 1 |
| Taft School | |
TBCR | TBC Racing | 3 |
| TBC Racing | |
TCRC | Treasure Coast | 4 |
| Treasure Coast Rowing Club, Inc. | |
TJCI | Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. | 2 |
| Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. | |
TRC | Texas Rowing Center | 5 |
| Texas Rowing Center | |
TRC | Triangle | 5 |
| Triangle Rowing Club | |
TRRA | Three Rivers | 6 |
| Three Rivers Rowing Association | |
TSR | TriStar | 7 |
| TriStar Rowing | |
TTR | Team Tampa | 5 |
| Team Tampa Rowing | |
TURA | Triad United | 1 |
| Triad United Rowing Association | |
TYRA | Tulsa Youth | 2 |
| Tulsa Youth Rowing Association | |
UMHS | Upper Merion HS | 1 |
| Upper Merion High School | |
Unaff. | Unaff. (USA) | 3 |
| Unaffiliated (USA) | |
UNI | University School | 2 |
| NSU University School | |
URS | Ursuline | 1 |
| Ursuline Academy of Dallas | |
Utah | Utah | 3 |
| Utah Crew | |
VBR | Vero Beach | 5 |
| Vero Beach Rowing, Inc | |
VIRC | Vashon Island | 5 |
| Vashon Island Rowing Club | |
VLRC | Vancouver Lake | 5 |
| Vancouver Lake Rowing Club | |
VST | V-Sculls | 1 |
| V-Sculls | |
WBC | Whitemarsh Boat Club | 11 |
| Whitemarsh Boat Club | |
WILBC | Williamsburg | 3 |
| Williamsburg Boat Club | |
WINS | Winsor | 3 |
| The Winsor School | |
WJCrew | WJ Crew | 1 |
| Walter Johnson Crew Club Inc | |
WKFLD | Wakefield | 1 |
| Wakefield High School Crew Team and Crew Boosters | |
WOOD | Woodlands | 6 |
| Rowing Club of the Woodlands | |
WORC | West Olympia Rowing Club | 1 |
| West Olympia Rowing Club | |
WRC | Westerville | 9 |
| Westerville Rowing Club | |
WRR | White Rock Rowing | 5 |
| White Rock Boathouse, Inc. | |
WS | West Side Rowing Club | 2 |
| West Side Rowing Club | |
WTRFRD | Waterford | 3 |
| Waterford Crew | |
WWRA | Wayland-Weston | 4 |
| Wayland-Weston Rowing Association, Inc. | |
WYRA | Wilmington Youth | 2 |
| Wilmington Youth Rowing Association | |
YQCR | Y Quad Cities | 7 |
| Y Quad Cities Rowing | |
ZLAC | ZLAC | 1 |
| ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD | |