
June 21, 2024

STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens F 4xHeat 2Fri, 10:05 AM[2]
Sarah Lewins
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens F 4xHeat 2Fri, 10:05 AM[3]
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 4xHeat 1Fri, 10:15 AM[4]
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens F 2xHeat 2Fri, 10:30 AM[4]
Nathan Zietlow
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 4xHeat 1Fri, 10:35 AM[5]
Beth German
STLMark PerepelitzaMens E 1xHeat 1Fri, 11:25 AM[5]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLJessica RivasWomens B 1xHeat 1Fri, 11:45 AM[4]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLLeslie SpencerWomens B 1xHeat 1Fri, 11:45 AM[5]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens F 4xFinal AFri, 1:40 PM[2]
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 4xFinal AFri, 1:55 PM[3]
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed D 4xFinal AFri, 2:20 PM[5]
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed B 4xFinal AFri, 3:10 PM[2]
Sara Tometich
STLMark PerepelitzaMens E 1xFinal AFri, 3:50 PM[2]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLJessica RivasWomens B 1xFinal AFri, 4:10 PM[2]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLLeslie SpencerWomens B 1xFinal AFri, 4:10 PM[6]
Station L Rowing Club A


June 22, 2024

STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens A 2xHeat 2Sat, 8:05 AM[3]
Christina Galley
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4xHeat 1Sat, 8:20 AM[2]
Leslie Spencer
WRCWillamette Rowing Club AMixed F 2xHeat 1Sat, 8:30 AM[4]
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed F 2xHeat 2Sat, 8:35 AM[2]
Eric Johnston
STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens D 2xHeat 2Sat, 8:45 AM[1]
Lisa Regan-Vienop
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 2xHeat 2Sat, 8:45 AM[3]
Piper Davis
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 4+Heat 1Sat, 8:50 AM[5]
Michelle Jeresek
STLAlex NelsonMens C 1xHeat 1Sat, 9:10 AM[4]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 8+Heat 1Sat, 9:40 AM[2]
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens B 2xHeat 1Sat, 9:50 AM[3]
Carly Mick
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 2xHeat 1Sat, 9:50 AM[4]
Katrina Shapiro
STLStation L Rowing Club CWomens B 2xHeat 2Sat, 9:55 AM[3]
Ednah Louie
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 4+Heat 2Sat, 10:05 AM[2]
Piper Davis
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed E 2xHeat 1Sat, 10:10 AM[2]
Mark Perepelitza
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 2xHeat 1Sat, 10:10 AM[4]
Lars Ripley
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed B 2xHeat 1Sat, 10:20 AM[2]
Evan Halprin
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed B 2xHeat 1Sat, 10:20 AM[3]
Carly Mick
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 8+Heat 2Sat, 10:35 AM[5]
Beth German
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens A 2xFinal ASat, 12:20 PM[6]
Christina Galley
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens E 4xFinal ASat, 12:25 PM[2]
Kris Henning
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4xFinal ASat, 12:40 PM[6]
Leslie Spencer
WRCWillamette Rowing Club AMixed F 2xFinal ASat, 1:05 PM[4]
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed F 2xFinal ASat, 1:05 PM[5]
Eric Johnston
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 4+Final ASat, 1:40 PM[1]
Michelle Jeresek
STLEdnah LouieWomens AA-B Ltwt 1xFinal ASat, 1:55 PM[4]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLAlex NelsonMens C 1xFinal ASat, 2:10 PM[2]
Station L Rowing Club A
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 4xFinal ASat, 2:40 PM[4]
Elizabeth Ankeney
STLCarol PelmasWomens F 1xFinal ASat, 3:10 PM[1]
Station L Rowing Club
STLJuanita ChambersWomens G+ 1xFinal ASat, 3:15 PM[3]
Station L Rowing Club
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens D 2xFinal ASat, 3:20 PM[3]
Erick Rodriguez
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 8+Final ASat, 3:35 PM[6]
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club CWomens B 2xFinal ASat, 3:45 PM[2]
Ednah Louie
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 2xFinal ASat, 4:10 PM[1]
Lars Ripley
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed E 2xFinal ASat, 4:10 PM[3]
Mark Perepelitza
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 2-Final ASat, 4:20 PM[3]
Charlotte Copp
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 4xFinal ASat, 4:30 PM[5]
Rachel Dumont
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed B 2xFinal ASat, 4:35 PM[3]
Evan Halprin
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 8+Final ASat, 4:55 PM[2]
Miel Corbett


June 23, 2024

WRCWillamette Rowing Club AWomens F 2xHeat 1Sun, 8:10 AM[3]
Cynthia Lund
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 2xHeat 2Sun, 8:25 AM[2]
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4+Heat 1Sun, 8:45 AM[5]
Titia Quinton
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed D 2xHeat 1Sun, 8:55 AM[5]
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 2xHeat 1Sun, 9:05 AM[2]
Penny Luong
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed C 2xHeat 2Sun, 9:10 AM[2]
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens H 2xHeat 2Sun, 9:30 AM[2]
Bonnie Bruce
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 8+Heat 2Sun, 9:50 AM[3]
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 2xHeat 2Sun, 10:00 AM[2]
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens F+ 8+Final ASun, 10:25 AM[1]
Piper Davis
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 8+Final ASun, 10:30 AM[2]
Christina Galley
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 8+Final ASun, 10:30 AM[5]
Elizabeth Ankeney
WRCWillamette Rowing Club AWomens F 2xFinal ASun, 10:45 AM[2]
Cynthia Lund
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens E 8+Final ASun, 10:50 AM[2]
Evan Halprin
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 2xFinal ASun, 11:00 AM[4]
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4+Final ASun, 11:25 AM[1]
Titia Quinton
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed D 2xFinal ASun, 1:00 PM[1]
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed C 2xFinal ASun, 1:05 PM[2]
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 2xFinal ASun, 1:05 PM[5]
Penny Luong
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens H 2xFinal ASun, 1:40 PM[1]
Bonnie Bruce
STLStation L Rowing Club BMens E 2xFinal ASun, 2:10 PM[3]
Thomas Orth
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens E 2xFinal ASun, 2:10 PM[4]
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 8+Final ASun, 2:15 PM[5]
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed E 4xFinal ASun, 2:25 PM[1]
Eric Johnston
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 4xFinal ASun, 2:25 PM[6]
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens AA-A 4+Final ASun, 2:30 PM[2]
Kalais Samuelson
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 4+Final ASun, 2:30 PM[3]
Elizabeth Ankeney
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 2xFinal ASun, 2:35 PM[3]
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens AA-A 4xFinal ASun, 2:50 PM[5]
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed F 4xFinal ASun, 3:00 PM[3]
Sydney Ey
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