
June 21, 2024

STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens F 4xHeat 2[2]04:41.914th
Sarah Lewins
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens F 4xHeat 2[3]04:08.111st
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 4xHeat 1[4]03:45.961st
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens F 2xHeat 2[4]04:54.664th
Nathan Zietlow
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 4xHeat 1[5]04:29.945th
Beth German
STLMark PerepelitzaMens E 1xHeat 1[5]04:27.562nd
Station L Rowing Club A
STLJessica RivasWomens B 1xHeat 1[4]04:55.522nd
Station L Rowing Club A
STLLeslie SpencerWomens B 1xHeat 1[5]04:57.463rd
Station L Rowing Club A
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens F 4xFinal A[2]04:12.021st
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 4xFinal A[3]03:39.021st
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed D 4xFinal A[5]03:59.283rd
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed B 4xFinal A[2]04:50.333rd
Sara Tometich
STLMark PerepelitzaMens E 1xFinal A[2]04:48.443rd
Station L Rowing Club A
STLJessica RivasWomens B 1xFinal A[2]05:05.704th
Station L Rowing Club A
STLLeslie SpencerWomens B 1xFinal A[6]04:52.212nd
Station L Rowing Club A


June 22, 2024

STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens A 2xHeat 2[3]04:22.523rd
Christina Galley
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4xHeat 1[2]03:58.253rd
Leslie Spencer
WRCWillamette Rowing Club AMixed F 2xHeat 1[4]04:10.791st
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed F 2xHeat 2[2]04:22.772nd
Eric Johnston
STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens D 2xHeat 2[1]04:42.355th
Lisa Regan-Vienop
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 2xHeat 2[3]04:37.144th
Piper Davis
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 4+Heat 1[5]04:20.693rd
Michelle Jeresek
STLAlex NelsonMens C 1xHeat 1[4]04:16.192nd
Station L Rowing Club A
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 8+Heat 1[2]03:49.973rd
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens B 2xHeat 1[3]04:42.044th
Carly Mick
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 2xHeat 1[4]04:44.335th
Katrina Shapiro
STLStation L Rowing Club CWomens B 2xHeat 2[3]04:17.612nd
Ednah Louie
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 4+Heat 2[2]04:32.664th
Piper Davis
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed E 2xHeat 1[2]04:39.781st
Mark Perepelitza
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 2xHeat 1[4]04:55.793rd
Lars Ripley
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed B 2xHeat 1[2]04:06.231st
Evan Halprin
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed B 2xHeat 1[3]05:10.044th
Carly Mick
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 8+Heat 2[5]03:53.925th
Beth German
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens A 2xFinal A[6]04:41.813rd
Christina Galley
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens E 4xFinal A[2]03:45.532nd
Kris Henning
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4xFinal A[6]04:00.321st
Leslie Spencer
WRCWillamette Rowing Club AMixed F 2xFinal A[4]04:23.632nd
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed F 2xFinal A[5]04:48.315th
Eric Johnston
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 4+Final A[1]04:39.455th
Michelle Jeresek
STLEdnah LouieWomens AA-B Ltwt 1xFinal A[4]04:59.801st
Station L Rowing Club A
STLAlex NelsonMens C 1xFinal A[2]04:25.246th
Station L Rowing Club A
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 4xFinal A[4]04:09.301st
Elizabeth Ankeney
STLCarol PelmasWomens F 1xFinal A[1]05:47.932nd
Station L Rowing Club
STLJuanita ChambersWomens G+ 1xFinal A[3]09:39.335th
Station L Rowing Club
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens D 2xFinal A[3]05:00.473rd
Erick Rodriguez
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 8+Final A[6]03:57.253rd
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club CWomens B 2xFinal A[2]04:33.205th
Ednah Louie
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 2xFinal A[1]04:21.721st
Lars Ripley
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed E 2xFinal A[3]04:34.712nd
Mark Perepelitza
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 2-Final A[3]04:26.881st
Charlotte Copp
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens D 4xFinal A[5]04:41.743rd
Rachel Dumont
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed B 2xFinal A[3]04:13.442nd
Evan Halprin
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 8+Final A[2]03:59.662nd
Miel Corbett


June 23, 2024

WRCWillamette Rowing Club AWomens F 2xHeat 1[3]04:55.262nd
Cynthia Lund
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 2xHeat 2[2]04:27.561st
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4+Heat 1[5]04:40.083rd
Titia Quinton
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed D 2xHeat 1[5]04:48.183rd
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 2xHeat 1[2]04:25.082nd
Penny Luong
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed C 2xHeat 2[2]04:25.232nd
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens H 2xHeat 2[2]06:23.253rd
Bonnie Bruce
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 8+Heat 2[3]04:04.412nd
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 2xHeat 2[2]04:34.741st
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens F+ 8+Final A[1]03:55.904th
Piper Davis
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens B 8+Final A[2]04:04.763rd
Christina Galley
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 8+Final A[5]03:40.071st
Elizabeth Ankeney
WRCWillamette Rowing Club AWomens F 2xFinal A[2]04:55.161st
Cynthia Lund
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens E 8+Final A[2]03:48.122nd
Evan Halprin
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 2xFinal A[4]04:24.041st
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 4+Final A[1]04:35.604th
Titia Quinton
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed D 2xFinal A[1]04:07.682nd
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed C 2xFinal A[2]04:07.633rd
Phillip Volz
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed C 2xFinal A[5]04:02.152nd
Penny Luong
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens H 2xFinal A[1]06:19.086th
Bonnie Bruce
STLStation L Rowing Club BMens E 2xFinal A[3]04:38.782nd
Thomas Orth
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens E 2xFinal A[4]04:22.921st
Scott Urbatsch
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens E 8+Final A[5]03:57.453rd
Sydney Ey
STLStation L Rowing Club BMixed E 4xFinal A[1]04:27.955th
Eric Johnston
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed E 4xFinal A[6]03:56.351st
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club BWomens AA-A 4+Final A[2]04:46.223rd
Kalais Samuelson
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens AA-A 4+Final A[3]04:20.232nd
Elizabeth Ankeney
STLStation L Rowing Club AWomens C 2xFinal A[3]04:27.403rd
Leslie Spencer
STLStation L Rowing Club AMens AA-A 4xFinal A[5]03:36.222nd
Alex Nelson
STLStation L Rowing Club AMixed F 4xFinal A[3]03:54.542nd
Sydney Ey
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