Fri, 11:25 AM - Race 114N - [030] Mens E 1x Heat 1

1st, 2nd, 3rd => FA

[1]OARAlan Pittman
 Oregon Association of Rowers B
[2]HBRAMartin Kimble
 Humboldt Bay Rowing Association A
[3]RRCKent McCleary
 Renton Rowing Center A
[4]LGRCMark Klitgaard
 Los Gatos Rowing Club A
[5]STLMark Perepelitza
 Station L Rowing Club A
[6]MTRRamon Wallace
 Mill Town Rowing A

Fri, 11:30 AM - Race 115O - [030] Mens E 1x Heat 2

1st, 2nd, 3rd => FA

[2]WRCSteve Winnett
 Willamette Rowing Club A
[3]OARRay Remmers
 Oregon Association of Rowers A
[4]RCRCDavid Billingsley
 River City Rowing Club A
[6]VIRCPeter Heffernan
 Vashon Island Rowing Club A

Fri, 3:50 PM - Race 147U - [030] Mens E 1x Final A

[1]HBRAMartin Kimble
 Humboldt Bay Rowing Association A
[2]STLMark Perepelitza
 Station L Rowing Club A
[3]RRCKent McCleary
 Renton Rowing Center A
[4]RCRCDavid Billingsley
 River City Rowing Club A
[5]OARRay Remmers
 Oregon Association of Rowers A
[6]WRCSteve Winnett
 Willamette Rowing Club A
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