
22 January 2022

09:001BlueJ12, W J12 2 minutesofficial
09:072WhiteJ13, W J13 3 minutesofficial
09:153BlueJ14, W J14 4 minutesofficial
09:244WhiteJ15 5 minutesofficial
09:345BlueW J15 5 minutesofficial
09:446WhiteJ16 2000 meterofficial
09:587BlueJ18 2000 meterofficial
10:128WhiteIAR5, IAR6 4 minutesofficial
10:189BluePR3, PR3-II, W PR3 2000 meterofficial
10:3010WhiteW J16 2000 meterofficial
10:4411BlueW J16 2000 meterofficial
10:5812WhiteW J18 2000 meterofficial
11:0913BlueSSS, Open, SSS Beginner 2000 meterofficial
11:2314WhiteLwt, SSS Lwt, Student Lwt 2000 meterofficial
11:3715BlueW, LW, W SSS, W SSS Lwt, W SSS Beginner, W Student, W Student Beginner 2000 meterofficial
11:4816WhiteM30, M40, LM30, LM40 2000 meterofficial
12:0017BlueM50, M55, M60, M65, M70, M75, LM55, LM70, LM75 2000 meterofficial
12:1518WhiteW30, W40, W50, LW30, LW50, LW60, W90+ 2000 meterofficial
12:3019BlueW55, W60, W70, LW55, LW70 2000 meterofficial
12:3520WhiteJ13, W J13 3 minutesofficial
13:0521WhiteJ15 Team 1 minuteofficial
13:1022BluePR3, PR3-II, W PR3 500 meterofficial
13:1623WhiteW J15 Team 1 minuteofficial
13:2224BlueOpen, Lwt 500 meterofficial
13:2825WhiteJ16 Team, J18 Team 90 secondsofficial
13:3426BlueW 500 meterofficial
13:4027WhiteW J16 Team 90 secondsofficial
13:4628BlueM30, M40, LM30, LM40 500 meterofficial
13:5229WhiteJ18 Team, W J18 Team 90 secondsofficial
13:5830BlueM50, M55, M60, M70, M75, LM50, LM60, LM65, LM70, LM75 500 meterofficial
14:0631WhiteW30, W40, W50, LW30, LW40, LW50 500 meterofficial
14:1232BlueW60, W90+, LW55, LW60, LW70 500 meterofficial
14:3733WhiteOpen Ski, M30 Ski, M60 Ski, W50 Ski, W70 Ski 2000 meterofficial
14:5734BlueIAR5, IAR6, PR3-II, W IAR6, W PR3 100 meterofficial
15:0435WhiteOpen, Lwt 100 meterofficial
15:1136BlueW, LW 100 meterofficial
15:1937WhiteTeam, SSS Team 90 secondsofficial
15:3638BlueW Team, W SSS Team, Mixed Team 90 secondsofficial
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