Sat, 10:52 - Race 13C - Tier 3 Sch/Junior 8+ Final B

[1]WINWinchester College Boat Club ATier 3 - School/Junior 8+[14]
 george Stephenson
[2]GMSGreat Marlow School Boat ClubTier 3 - School/Junior 8+[13]
 Owain Meredith
[3]SHPShiplake College Boat ClubTier 3 - School/Junior 8+[8]
 Ed Houghton
[4]SESSt Edwards School Boat Club ASchool/Junior 2nd 8+[23]
 Elliot Coakes
[5]HINHinksey Sculling SchoolTier 3 - School/Junior 8+[11]
 Anton Zebisch
[6]RADRadley College Boat ClubSchool/Junior 2nd 8+[22]
 Hector Scott Plummer
[7]RBLReading Blue Coat School Boat ClubSchool/Junior 2nd 8+[27]
 Theo Maynard
[8]BDSBedford School Boat Club CSchool/Junior 2nd 8+[31]
 Samuel Lock
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