[DSC] Delta Sculling Center

003W U17Hannah Noe
Delta Sculling Center
003W U17Joselle Deuel
Delta Sculling Center
003W U17Maya Turner
Delta Sculling Center
005W U19Amy McDaniel
Delta Sculling Center
005W U19Tania Tufui-Niu
Delta Sculling Center
032WM AChelsey Matthews
Delta Sculling Center
036MM AStephanus Louw
Delta Sculling Center
039WM50+ 4Delta Sculling Center
Kim Sparrowk
041MixM50+ 4Delta Sculling Center
Renaldo Abreu
042W U23Elise Hill
Delta Sculling Center
116LWM PR2Rachel Tappero
Delta Sculling Center
145MixM49- 4Delta Sculling Center
Jane McClellan
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