Sun, 3:30 PM - Race 19B - W50, W55, W60, W65, W70, W75, W80 500 meter

[39]WYFRChristina NugentW50
[40]SRRFlorence GaraniW50
Société des Régates Rennaises
[41]CAP MararaAgnes SautelW50
CAP Marara Tahiti
[42]RoworxAnjanette ComerW50
Roworx Fitness
[43]Unaff.Jackie LaiW50
Unaffiliated (USA)
[44]CAP MararaTeresa PadoveseW50
CAP Marara Tahiti
[45]SRRNelly AliasW50
Société des Régates Rennaises
[46]Unaff.Joanna AllsebrookW55
Unaffiliated (GBR)
[47]CasitasKelly RaineyW55
Lake Casitas Rowing Association
[48]Unaff.Debra AsperW55
Unaffiliated (USA)
[49]CAP MararaBirgit BalanaW55
CAP Marara Tahiti
[50]CAP MararaOdile PisonW55
CAP Marara Tahiti
[51]Unaff.Carol AlkerW65
Unaffiliated (GBR)
[52]Unaff.Susan GehrkeW65
Unaffiliated (USA)
[56]Cathy RIMOVW50
Cathy Rimov
[57]Unaff.Jacquewyn F. Chambers-MartinW60
Unaffiliated (USA)
[58]SUB7Carol WoodwardW60
SUB 7 Indoor Rowing Club
[59]Unaff.Katja StokleyW60
Unaffiliated (USA)
[60]Unaff.Elizabeth FeldmanW70
Unaffiliated (AUS)
[61]RIRSCMari FriendW75
Rat Island Rowing and Sculling Club
[62]RIRSCConnie VoigtW80
Rat Island Rowing and Sculling Club
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