
28 November 2020

LBAAbdulwahid Hasan Salim AlwaridM U23500 meter[14]01:39.614th
Libya Team
LBAAbdulmuhamyin Altahir AbusanuqahM U23500 meter[15]01:31.38th
Libya Team
LBATahe Omer RahumaM U23500 meter[16]01:45.916th
Libya Team
LBAFeras Agili Moulud HanishM U23500 meter[17]01:35.412th
Libya Team
LBAAws Khayn Ramadan AlsaeidiJM U19500 meter[1]01:31.715th
Libya Team
LBAAbdallah Omar AbdaljililJM U19500 meter[2]01:37.827th
Libya Team
LBAMohamed Kamel BakkaJM U19500 meter[4]01:31.312th
Libya Team
LBABushra Maatoug Mohamed AnnkeebW U23500 meter[4]02:10.37th
Libya Team
LBABasman Maatoug Mohamed AnnkeebW500 meter[3]02:03.214th
Libya Team
LBAAyad Husayn Ayad BukrahJM U19500 meter[8]01:43.836th
Libya Team
LBAMohamed Husayn Ayad BukrahJM U19500 meter[10]01:37.326th
Libya Team
LBAAlhussein Mahfoud Alhashmi GambourM500 meter[17]did not start
Libya Team
LBAAli Abdulmajid Abdulmajid AlhassiJM U19500 meter[4]01:42.033rd
Libya Team
LBAMohamed Abdulati Bashir BokraJM U19500 meter[10]01:33.818th
Libya Team
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