[053] Womens Masters G (500m)

BCRABergen County Rowing AcademyDeborah StelzleWomens Masters G
Bergen County Rowing Academy
LLVRCLake Las Vegas Rowing ClubBarbara HillWomens Masters G
Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club
Over 60sThe DiamondsSarah Fitts-RomigWomens Masters G
The Diamonds
Unaff.Unaffiliated (USA)Jan ArrisonWomens Masters G
Unaffiliated (USA)
Unaff.Unaffiliated (USA)Susan Coursen Robichaud BrahaneyLtwt Womens Masters G
Unaffiliated (USA)
Unaff.Unaffiliated (USA)Bonnie FisherWomens Masters G
Unaffiliated (USA)
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