
May 3, 2024

LGRC3Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 8+Time Trial05:43.353rd
Diego Lasso
LGRC22Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2V 8+Time Trial06:03.996th
Dylan West
LGRC34Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 3V 8+Time Trial06:20.032nd
Aidan McKenzie
LGRC46Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Club 4+Time Trial07:21.424th
Caden Korupp
LGRC57Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U17 2xTime Trial08:04.443rd
Jenna Yoder
LGRC61Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens U17 2xTime Trial08:28.699th
Mariko Okubo
LGRC63Los Gatos Rowing Club CWomens U17 2xTime Trial08:55.0410th
Maja Spremo
LGRC64Los Gatos Rowing Club DWomens U17 2xTime Trialdid not start
Lauren Polanowski
LGRC66Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U16 4x+Time Trial07:01.893rd
Aleksander Shetler
LGRC76Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens U16 4x+Time Trial07:17.596th
Ruhaan Singh
LGRC80Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 4+Time Trial06:43.421st
Declan McInerney
LGRC100Gavin BernsMens Youth 1xTime Trialdid not start
Los Gatos Rowing Club
LGRC95James TiglaoMens Youth 1xTime Trial07:33.283rd
Los Gatos Rowing Club
LGRC119Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 8+Time Trial06:44.167th
Frieda Cramer
LGRC130Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens 2V 8+Time Trial07:00.056th
Lilah Marble
LGRC149Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Club 4+Time Trial08:07.341st
Dana Hathaway
LGRC171Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens U17 2xTime Trial07:56.1017th
Daschel Harrison
LGRC175Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U16 4x+Time Trial08:06.605th
Alexis Pirooz
LGRC186Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens U16 4x+Time Trial08:02.144th
Rainey Ruf
LGRC187Los Gatos Rowing Club CWomens U16 4x+Time Trial08:44.1713th
Khushi Awasthi
LGRC223Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U16 2xTime Trial08:11.244th
Ruhaan Singh
LGRC233Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens U16 2xTime Trial09:07.5111th
David Stulski
LGRC236Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 8+Time Trial06:12.602nd
Liam Austin
LGRC251Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 8+ BTime Trial06:40.492nd
Dexter Hooks
LGRC254Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U16 4+Time Trialdid not start
Rainey Ruf
LGRC264Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens Youth 2-Time Trial07:48.477th
Dylan West
LGRC275Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 4xTime Trial06:12.531st
Leonard Shetler
LGRC291Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2V 4xTime Trial06:20.101st
Aidan Roberts
LGRC296Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens Youth 2V 4xTime Trial06:31.972nd
Jasper Powell
LGRC304Los Gatos Rowing Club DMens Youth 2V 4xTime Trial06:40.304th
Aidan McKenzie
LGRC335Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U16 4+Time Trial08:37.299th
George Boettcher
LGRC350Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 2-Time Trial08:35.318th
Lilah Marble
LGRC369Nicholas OesterreichMens U17 1xTime Trial08:36.917th
Los Gatos Rowing Club
LGRC374Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 4xTime Trial07:06.421st
Emerson Adams
LGRC396Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 2V 4xTime Trial07:11.761st
Annika Sivi
LGRC400Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens Youth 2V 4xTime Trial07:36.685th
Gianna Musolf
LGRC408Los Gatos Rowing Club CWomens Youth 2V 4xTime Trial08:00.9310th
Nicole Messer
LGRC409Los Gatos Rowing Club DWomens Youth 2V 4xTime Trial08:36.3512th
Beatrice Butcher
LGRC410Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U15 4x+Time Trial08:32.791st
Anika Phadnis
LGRC420Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens U15 4x+Time Trial09:01.317th
Linnea Nystrom
LGRC431Ian FeezorMens U16 1xTime Trialdid not start
Los Gatos Rowing Club
LGRC438Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 4xTime Trial06:34.581st
Liam Austin
LGRC455Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 4+Time Trial07:49.478th
Annika Sivi
LGRC480Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens Youth 4+ BTime Trial07:44.981st
Rachel Sotelo
LGRC486Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2xTime Trial07:09.445th
Kyle Brown
LGRC517Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2x BTime Trial07:14.492nd
Gavin Hartman
LGRC536Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 4-Time Trialdid not start
Maja Spremo
LGRC544Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U15 4x+Time Trial07:22.351st
Victor Habrat
LGRC551Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens U15 4x+Time Trial08:04.036th
Alexander Potapov
LGRC562Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U17 4xTime Trial07:33.992nd
Jenna Yoder
LGRC573Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens U17 4xTime Trial08:27.1710th
Harshini Kesavan
LGRC576Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 4+Time Trial07:12.8814th
Hayden Santos
LGRC598Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 4+ BTime Trial07:06.871st
Jasper Powell
LGRC607Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 2xTime Trial08:03.455th
Emerson Adams
LGRC613Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens Youth 2xTime Trial08:04.136th
Alexandra Buchowski
LGRC627Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 2x BTime Trial08:56.908th
Dana Hathaway
LGRC646Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 4-Time Trial06:24.683rd
Nolan Hamm


May 4, 2024

LGRC3Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 8+Semifinal 2[2]06:10.023rd
Diego Lasso
LGRC22Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2V 8+Semifinal 2[3]06:31.133rd
Dylan West
LGRC61Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens U17 2xSemifinal 1[5]08:53.565th
Mariko Okubo
LGRC57Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U17 2xSemifinal 2[2]08:26.962nd
Jenna Yoder
LGRC63Los Gatos Rowing Club CWomens U17 2xSemifinal 2[5]09:38.076th
Maja Spremo
LGRC66Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U16 4x+Semifinal 2[2]07:34.202nd
Aleksander Shetler
LGRC76Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens U16 4x+Semifinal 2[3]07:50.544th
Ruhaan Singh
LGRC80Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 4+Semifinal 1[1]07:03.731st
Declan McInerney
LGRC95James TiglaoMens Youth 1xSemifinal 2[2]08:08.973rd
Los Gatos Rowing Club
LGRC119Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 8+Semifinal 2[4]07:12.534th
Frieda Cramer
LGRC130Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens 2V 8+Semifinal 2[3]07:28.433rd
Lilah Marble
LGRC186Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens U16 4x+Semifinal 1[2]did not start
Rainey Ruf
LGRC175Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U16 4x+Semifinal 1[3]08:23.622nd
Alexis Pirooz
LGRC187Los Gatos Rowing Club CWomens U16 4x+Semifinal 1[7]did not start
Khushi Awasthi


May 5, 2024

LGRC3Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 8+Final A[6]06:06.884th
Diego Lasso
LGRC22Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2V 8+Final A[6]06:27.146th
Dylan West
LGRC34Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 3V 8+Final A[2]06:24.762nd
Aidan McKenzie
LGRC46Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Club 4+Final A[4]07:45.245th
Caden Korupp
LGRC57Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U17 2xFinal A[4]08:18.873rd
Jenna Yoder
LGRC66Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U16 4x+Final A[4]07:23.674th
Aleksander Shetler
LGRC80Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 4+Final A[1]07:01.282nd
Declan McInerney
LGRC95James TiglaoMens Youth 1xFinal A[6]08:14.875th
Los Gatos Rowing Club
LGRC130Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens 2V 8+Final A[6]07:32.446th
Lilah Marble
LGRC149Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Club 4+Final A[1]08:36.511st
Dana Hathaway
LGRC175Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U16 4x+Final A[3]08:36.574th
Alexis Pirooz
LGRC223Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U16 2xFinal A[4]08:32.874th
Ruhaan Singh
LGRC236Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 8+Final A[2]06:31.022nd
Liam Austin
LGRC251Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 8+ BFinal A[3]06:59.982nd
Dexter Hooks
LGRC264Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens Youth 2-Final A[7]07:55.625th
Dylan West
LGRC275Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 4xFinal A[1]06:28.072nd
Leonard Shetler
LGRC291Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2V 4xFinal A[1]06:47.641st
Aidan Roberts
LGRC296Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens Youth 2V 4xFinal A[2]06:54.622nd
Jasper Powell
LGRC304Los Gatos Rowing Club DMens Youth 2V 4xFinal A[4]07:13.076th
Aidan McKenzie
LGRC369Nicholas OesterreichMens U17 1xFinal A[7]08:58.027th
Los Gatos Rowing Club
LGRC374Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 4xFinal A[1]07:15.443rd
Emerson Adams
LGRC396Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 2V 4xFinal A[1]07:24.722nd
Annika Sivi
LGRC400Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens Youth 2V 4xFinal A[5]07:52.165th
Gianna Musolf
LGRC410Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U15 4x+Final A[1]08:34.933rd
Anika Phadnis
LGRC420Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens U15 4x+Final A[7]09:05.627th
Linnea Nystrom
LGRC438Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U17 4xFinal A[1]06:38.661st
Liam Austin
LGRC480Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens Youth 4+ BFinal A[1]07:51.822nd
Rachel Sotelo
LGRC486Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2xFinal A[5]07:18.153rd
Kyle Brown
LGRC517Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 2x BFinal A[2]07:24.122nd
Gavin Hartman
LGRC544Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens U15 4x+Final A[1]07:43.523rd
Victor Habrat
LGRC551Los Gatos Rowing Club BMens U15 4x+Final A[6]08:22.907th
Alexander Potapov
LGRC562Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens U17 4xFinal A[2]07:42.503rd
Jenna Yoder
LGRC598Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 4+ BFinal A[1]07:06.101st
Jasper Powell
LGRC607Los Gatos Rowing Club AWomens Youth 2xFinal A[5]08:14.346th
Emerson Adams
LGRC613Los Gatos Rowing Club BWomens Youth 2xFinal A[6]08:15.557th
Alexandra Buchowski
LGRC646Los Gatos Rowing Club AMens Youth 4-Final A[3]06:40.063rd
Nolan Hamm
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