[HSBC] The Hill School

003Mens Youth 2-The Hill School A
Michael Rapp
004Womens Youth 2-The Hill School A
Ariana Pearson
004Womens Youth 2-The Hill School A
Nora Lake
006Womens Youth 2xThe Hill School A
Shea Whitney
007Mens Youth 4+The Hill School A
Michael Rapp
030Womens U17 4+The Hill School A
Ella Armstrong
033Mens U17 8+The Hill School A
Henry Krafczek
044Womens Youth Novice 4+The Hill School A
Sophia Cox
049Mens Youth 2V 4+The Hill School A
Cayden Cubbin
049Mens Youth 2V 4+The Hill School B
Henry Krafczek
050Womens Youth Novice 8+The Hill School A
Sophia Cox
withdrawn after draw
002Womens Youth 1xSage Garraway
The Hill School
withdrawn before draw
005Mens Youth 2xThe Hill School A
Tianrui Li
withdrawn after draw
008Womens Youth 4+The Hill School A
Paige Barnhart
withdrawn before draw
029Mens U17 4+The Hill School A
Nathan Han
withdrawn before draw
045Mens Youth Novice 4+The Hill School A
Henry Krafczek
withdrawn after draw
048Womens Youth 2V 4+The Hill School A
Elizabeth Zhang
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