
February 12, 2023

PCRAJennifer MercurioWomens Veteran A (50-59)2000 meter[9]09:06.52nd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAS SalesWomens Veteran B (60-69)2000 meter[11]08:35.11st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ JimenezMens Veteran A (50-59)2000 meter[11]07:18.23rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAC IvesMens Veteran B (60-69)2000 meter[7]06:33.81st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAM PlunkettMens Veteran C (70+)2000 meter[11]08:30.02nd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAD HughesMens Veteran C (70+)2000 meter[13]09:16.53rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAM DurandMens Veteran C Ltwt 165 (70+)2000 meter[14]09:29.81st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAA FarrellyWomens Coxwain 1000M1000 meter[2]04:35.71st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAA MoyalGirls Novice 1000m1000 meter[5]did not start
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAE KoffGirls Novice 1000m1000 meter[7]04:25.63rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAE WattenbergGirls Novice 1000m1000 meter[8]04:27.14th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ CohenMens Coxwain 1000M1000 meter[9]04:24.54th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAA Kustin-SaleeMens Coxwain 1000M1000 meter[10]03:54.82nd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAR ArmasMens Coxwain 1000M1000 meter[11]03:46.91st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ CutaiaMens Coxwain 1000M1000 meter[12]03:56.63rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAH WallaceBoys U14 1000m1000 meter[2]did not start
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAO HigginsBoys U14 1000m1000 meter[7]04:12.24th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAN EngelbertBoys U14 1000m1000 meter[8]04:24.55th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAL KlancnikBoys Novice 1000m1000 meter[9]03:53.84th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAD PattersonBoys Novice 1000m1000 meter[14]04:12.27th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAA WoodwardBoys Novice 1000m1000 meter[15]04:02.15th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAO BandsmaBoys U172000 meter[1]07:58.014th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAK NasrBoys U172000 meter[2]07:41.610th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAA ReillyBoys U172000 meter[3]08:05.115th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAM BochnerBoys U172000 meter[5]07:16.06th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ FisherBoys U172000 meter[6]07:16.37th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAL CohenBoys U172000 meter[7]06:57.33rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAI McCloskeyBoys U172000 meter[8]06:29.21st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAC CorcioneBoys U172000 meter[10]06:56.72nd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAM LoganBoys U172000 meter[11]07:26.78th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAC PowellBoys U172000 meter[13]07:46.013th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAL ManzBoys U172000 meter[14]08:13.816th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAL AcostaBoys U172000 meter[15]07:00.15th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAS MarkovicBoys U172000 meter[16]07:32.29th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAM CullenGirls U172000 meter[6]07:59.42nd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAS IkiriiGirls U172000 meter[8]08:51.35th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAC KoonceGirls U172000 meter[11]08:28.23rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ HuttonGirls U172000 meter[12]07:45.81st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAA ShillueGirls U19 Ltwt 135lbs2000 meter[6]08:20.31st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAC NjokuGirls U19 Open2000 meter[13]did not start
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAC GottfriedBoys U19 Ltwt 165lbs2000 meter[4]did not start
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAS RuisealBoys U19 Ltwt 165lbs2000 meter[8]06:32.72nd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ MayerBoys U19 Ltwt 165lbs2000 meter[9]06:31.51st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAO WallaceBoys U19 Ltwt 165lbs2000 meter[10]06:41.43rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ KolodnerBoys U19 Ltwt 165lbs2000 meter[11]06:48.54th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAC MaganasBoys U19 Ltwt 165lbs2000 meter[12]06:53.05th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAA SinghBoys U19 Ltwt 165lbs2000 meter[14]07:33.58th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAM PurceaBoys U19 Open2000 meter[4]did not start
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAJ WilsonBoys U19 Open2000 meter[7]06:40.82nd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAI ZhouBoys U19 Open2000 meter[8]06:52.84th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAT LockwoodBoys U19 Open2000 meter[9]06:29.21st
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAV DhaliwalBoys U19 Open2000 meter[10]06:41.13rd
Pelham Community Rowing Association
PCRAB WallaceBoys U19 Open2000 meter[11]06:56.95th
Pelham Community Rowing Association
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