Sat, 14:50 - Race 246A - Ch 4x (Open) Semifinal A/B 2

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th => FA, other => FB

[1]WBSWindsor Boys School, The, Boat Club B
 Charlie Warren
[2]HPYHartpury University & College Boat Club B
 Ethan Walters
[3]KRCKingston Rowing Club B
 Matt Long
[4]MARMarlow Rowing Club B
 Joel Lewis
[5]ZAMCMethodist College Belfast Rowing Club A
 Christopher Duncan
[6]WYJWycliffe Junior Rowing Club C
 Harry Palmer
[7]STKTrentham Boat Club C
 Samuel Cuthbertson
[8]YRMYarm School Boat Club E
 Archie Norton
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