Sat, 11:50 - Race 217 - ChG1x Time Trial

17 - 24 => FC, 25 - 32 => FD, 16 fastest => SAB

TRCHannah Steven[316]
 Thames Rowing Club B
SBTOlivia Hunter Young[317]
 Surbiton High School Boat Club
DUSEllie Hall[318]
 Durham School Boat Club A
TWKElla Wilson[319]
 Twickenham Rowing Club A
RCHFenella Cowdell[320]
 Royal Chester Rowing Club
CNNOona Lonergan[321]
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club B
KGSLily Abbott[322]
 Kingston Grammar School Boat Club A
TWKVwairé Obukohwo[323]
 Twickenham Rowing Club B
BGSOlivia Ames[324]
 Bedford Girls School Rowing Club
BMSJessica Read[325]
 Bedford Modern School Boat Club
NOWEleanor Cushen[326]
 Northwich Rowing Club
HINPhoebe May[327]
 Hinksey Sculling School C
SWPElla Ayoade[328]
 Sir William Perkins's School Rowing Club A
PETChloe Reed[329]
 Peterborough City Rowing Club B
GWCIsobel Clements[331]
 George Watsons College RC
PHSJulieta Gonzalez[332]
 Putney High School Boat Club
GLBAbby Collins[333]
 Globe Rowing Club A
DUSNatasha Wearmouth[334]
 Durham School Boat Club B
CLCEmily Boileau[335]
 Cheltenham Ladies' College, The, Rowing Club
SWBEmily Farmer[336]
 Sir William Borlase's Gram Sch Boat Club
WESEmma Kohlmayer[337]
 Westminster School Boat Club
HINAlice Vine[338]
 Hinksey Sculling School B
CLDEmma Morrison[339]
 Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club
IELPhoebe Hayden[340]
 Isle of Ely Rowing Club
ASRAbigail Topp[342]
 Aberdeen Schools Rowing Association A
LERLauren Henry[343]
 Leicester Rowing Club A
STNEleanor Burton[344]
 Staines Boat Club A
WTNElla Stanhope[345]
 Warrington Rowing Club
SRCAmelia Moule[346]
 Sudbury Rowing Club
WHSSaskia Brewster[347]
 Wimbledon High School Boat Club A
KGSHolly Blake[348]
 Kingston Grammar School Boat Club B
WLTMillicent Fantham[349]
 Walton Rowing Club
SWPLerin Adetola[350]
 Sir William Perkins's School Rowing Club B
ASLEloise Lambden[351]
 American School In London Boat Club
ASRMegan Hewison[352]
 Aberdeen Schools Rowing Association B
PETAmelia Hilton[353]
 Peterborough City Rowing Club A
CNNSidney Watson[354]
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club C
BEDIsobel Blake Hurworth[355]
 Bedford Rowing Club
HINBea Ferry[356]
 Hinksey Sculling School A
SHPOlivia Morgan[357]
 Shiplake College Boat Club
 Molesey Boat Club
TRCSasha Halsey[359]
 Thames Rowing Club A
GGAAnna Buchanan[360]
 Glasgow Academy Rowing Club
CNNLaura Burton[361]
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club A
YRMHazel Wake[362]
 Yarm School Boat Club
ZAGHMolly Curry[363]
 Coleraine Grammar School, N.Ireland A

Sat, 15:05 - Race 239U - ChG1x Semifinal A/B 1

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th => FA, other => FB

[1]WESEmma Kohlmayer
 Westminster School Boat Club
[2]TRCSasha Halsey
 Thames Rowing Club A
[3]YRMHazel Wake
 Yarm School Boat Club
[4]LERLauren Henry
 Leicester Rowing Club A
[5]ZAGHMolly Curry
 Coleraine Grammar School, N.Ireland A
[6]ASRMegan Hewison
 Aberdeen Schools Rowing Association B
[7]NOWEleanor Cushen
 Northwich Rowing Club
[8]SWPElla Ayoade
 Sir William Perkins's School Rowing Club A

Sat, 15:11 - Race 240V - ChG1x Semifinal A/B 2

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th => FA, other => FB

[1]WTNElla Stanhope
 Warrington Rowing Club
[2]KGSLily Abbott
 Kingston Grammar School Boat Club A
[3]GGAAnna Buchanan
 Glasgow Academy Rowing Club
[4]SHPOlivia Morgan
 Shiplake College Boat Club
[5]BMSJessica Read
 Bedford Modern School Boat Club
[6]IELPhoebe Hayden
 Isle of Ely Rowing Club
[7]WHSSaskia Brewster
 Wimbledon High School Boat Club A
[8]SRCAmelia Moule
 Sudbury Rowing Club

Sat, 18:28 - Race 273C - ChG1x Final B

[1]YRMHazel Wake
 Yarm School Boat Club
[2]KGSLily Abbott
 Kingston Grammar School Boat Club A
[3]ASRMegan Hewison
 Aberdeen Schools Rowing Association B
[4]GGAAnna Buchanan
 Glasgow Academy Rowing Club
[5]SWPElla Ayoade
 Sir William Perkins's School Rowing Club A
[6]WTNElla Stanhope
 Warrington Rowing Club
[7]TRCSasha Halsey
 Thames Rowing Club A
[8]SRCAmelia Moule
 Sudbury Rowing Club

Sat, 18:34 - Race 274D - ChG1x Final A

[1]NOWEleanor Cushen
 Northwich Rowing Club
[2]WESEmma Kohlmayer
 Westminster School Boat Club
[3]IELPhoebe Hayden
 Isle of Ely Rowing Club
[4]LERLauren Henry
 Leicester Rowing Club A
[5]SHPOlivia Morgan
 Shiplake College Boat Club
[6]ZAGHMolly Curry
 Coleraine Grammar School, N.Ireland A
[7]BMSJessica Read
 Bedford Modern School Boat Club
[8]WHSSaskia Brewster
 Wimbledon High School Boat Club A
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