Fri, 10:56 - Race 5D - Yr 7 B 2 minutes

1.TTSJames Van Zee286m(1)533m(1)
Thomas Tallis School 286m248m36.5 spm
2.Darell Chege267m(2)511m(2)-22m
Misbourne School 267m245m37.5 spm
3.MOSRohan Hooper Stewart264m(4)510m(3)-23m
Mossbourne Rowing Academy 264m246m41.5 spm
4.BEXLorcan Hennessy267m(2)506m(4)-27m
Bexhill Rowing Club 267m239m36.9 spm
5.CMSOskar Davison-Aitkins252m(7)486m(5)-47m
Cranborne Middle School 252m235m35.0 spm
6.Hugo Murray246m(10)485m(6)-48m
Misbourne School 246m239m40.5 spm
7.OPGJoseph Crawley259m(5)484m(7)-49m
Oakwood Park Grammar School 259m225m42.0 spm
8.MOSCato Tisne259m(5)483m(8)-50m
Mossbourne Rowing Academy 259m225m37.9 spm
9.Xavier Middlewood250m(9)479m(9)-54m
School of Science & Technology Maidstone 250m229m37.0 spm
10.Willis Posnette252m(7)466m(10)-67m
School of Science & Technology Maidstone 252m214m34.9 spm
11.BMSDexter Phillips240m(12)457m(11)-76m
Bedford Modern School 240m217m40.5 spm
12.NRHnikolai bridgstock246m(10)453m(12)-80m
New Rush Hall School 246m208m37.8 spm
13.Khaled Berrouane237m(14)452m(13)-81m
Misbourne School 237m215m40.0 spm
14.BSBTed Masters228m(19)446m(14)-87m
Bishopsgate School Boat Club 228m219m38.5 spm
15.JCCSIsla Etherington239m(13)445m(15)-88m
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive 239m206m39.3 spm
16.JCCSJack White230m(16)441m(16)-92m
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive 230m211m41.0 spm
17.SMCCDARREN VASCONEZ229m(17)439m(17)-94m
St Michael's Catholic College 229m210m44.0 spm
18.Kai Miller237m(14)435m(18)-98m
School of Science & Technology Maidstone 237m198m39.8 spm
19.JCCSJasiu Kucharski225m(20)421m(19)-112m
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive 225m197m44.9 spm
20.EMAPhilip Shamdas229m(17)417m(20)-116m
Emanuel School 229m188m35.2 spm
21.HAVRichie Morris209m(23)411m(21)-122m
Haverstock School 209m203m42.5 spm
22.JCCSNiko Smiechowski217m(21)410m(22)-123m
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive 217m194m41.7 spm
COLA Highgate Hill 210m183m40.8 spm
24.MSGArafat Rahman209m(23)385m(24)-148m
Mulberry Stepney Green 209m176m39.5 spm
25.JCCSDylan Wells202m(25)372m(25)-161m
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive 202m171m43.4 spm
COLA Highgate Hill 183m123m39.0 spm
CLAAkinbaire Jolaoso did not start
City Of London Academy Islington 
CLANile Brewer did not start
City Of London Academy Islington 
CLABailey Harman-Shine did not start
City Of London Academy Islington 
CLALeonat Kelmendi did not start
City Of London Academy Islington 
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