
1 March 2024

SMCCDEANDRE VALDESYr 7 B2 minutes[27]336m206th
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCCONOR GLOVESYr 7 B2 minutes[10]393m171st
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCDARREN VASCONEZYr 7 B2 minutes[12]439m111st
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCMACIEJ KWIATEKYr 8 B3 minutes[22]did not start
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCLOUIS JOHNSONYr 8 B3 minutes[13]did not start
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCZACHARY OWUSU-FAAKYEYr 8 B3 minutes[17]664m194th
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCShyann MensahYr 8 G3 minutes[1]632m197th
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCHeidi AnyiyiobiYr 8 G3 minutes[2]665m122nd
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCJOSHUA ATANGAYr 9 B4 minutes[3]960m157th
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCJHIN ESCALONYr 9 B4 minutes[6]839m220th
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCMAX MCELLIGOTYr 9 B4 minutes[4]879m203rd
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCMATTHEW FELEKEYr 9 B4 minutes[4]854m211st
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCMaja NavarroYr 9 G4 minutes[6]913m121st
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCTorialee AlfredYr 9 G4 minutes[5]870m175th
St Michael's Catholic College
SMCCSt Michael's Catholic College AJunior Relay B2112 meter[24]09:20.083rd
St Michael's Catholic College A
SMCCSt Michael's Catholic College AJunior Relay G2112 meter[18]09:03.456th
St Michael's Catholic College A
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