Sat, 15:31 - Race 41 - Championship 1x Time Trial

6 fastest => FA, 7 - 12 => FB, 13 - 18 => FC, 19 - 24 => FD, other => FE

LDRDmytro Mikhai[311]
 Leander Club B
WBSMarcus Chute[312]
 Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club B
TWKCallum Dixon[313]
 Twickenham Rowing Club A
CNNWilliam Young[314]
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club A
LDRMatt Brigham[315]
 Leander Club C
LDRAlex King[316]
 Leander Club D
NCRFinn Larkin[317]
 Nottinghamshire County Rowing Assn A
LEEDaniel Jones[318]
 Leeds Rowing Club B
LRCJames Sanders[319]
 London Rowing Club B
MARLuke Reiser[320]
 Marlow Rowing Club
LEECory Wilkinson[321]
 Leeds Rowing Club A
SCPCameron Kemp[322]
 Strathclyde Park Rowing Club A
COXJames Scott[323]
 City of Oxford Rowing Club
HPYMatthew PAGE[324]
 Hartpury University & College Boat Club A
RDUAlastair Holbrough[325]
 Reading University Boat Club C
SCPMike Simpson[326]
 Strathclyde Park Rowing Club B
RDUJacob Parrington[327]
 Reading University Boat Club B
CAMJack Goode[328]
 City of Cambridge Rowing Club A
ZFAGAdam Randall[329]
 Minnesota Boat Club, United States
NRCOliver Dominique[331]
 Nottingham Rowing Club
EHUCameron Buchan[332]
 Edinburgh University Boat Club
KRCSylvain Boyer[334]
 Kingston Rowing Club
UTCTom Foster[336]
 Upper Thames Rowing Club
STGGregor Hall[337]
 Stirling Rowing Club A
WRCChristopher Revell[338]
 Wallingford Rowing Club A
RDGXan White[339]
 Reading Rowing Club
TRCHarry Neame[340]
 Thames Rowing Club B
MBCStephen Cox[342]
 Molesey Boat Club
OXBDylan Mitchell[343]
 Oxford Brookes University Boat Club
BAUJames Gare[344]
 Bath University Boat Club A
NGUJames Lawn[345]
 Nottingham University Boat Club A
CFUAngus Gould[347]
 Cardiff University Rowing Club A
HPYJames Brooke[348]
 Hartpury University & College Boat Club B
BAUCedol Dafydd[349]
 Bath University Boat Club B
UCLAlexander Slaughter[351]
 University College London Boat Club
UYOWill Lupton[352]
 University of York Boat Club A
WEYTalal Alakeel[353]
 Weybridge Rowing Club A
WBSBen Liddell[354]
 Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club A

Sat, 18:46 - Race 64K - Championship 1x Final E

[2]RDGXan White[339]
 Reading Rowing Club
[3]CAMJack Goode[328]
 City of Cambridge Rowing Club A
[4]CFUAngus Gould[347]
 Cardiff University Rowing Club A
[5]UYOWill Lupton[352]
 University of York Boat Club A
[6]HPYJames Brooke[348]
 Hartpury University & College Boat Club B
[7]WBSBen Liddell[354]
 Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club A

Sat, 18:52 - Race 65L - Championship 1x Final D

[2]RDUAlastair Holbrough[325]
 Reading University Boat Club C
[3]OXBDylan Mitchell[343]
 Oxford Brookes University Boat Club
[4]RDUJacob Parrington[327]
 Reading University Boat Club B
[5]NRCOliver Dominique[331]
 Nottingham Rowing Club
[6]NGUJames Lawn[345]
 Nottingham University Boat Club A
[7]BAUCedol Dafydd[349]
 Bath University Boat Club B

Sat, 18:58 - Race 66M - Championship 1x Final C

[2]KRCSylvain Boyer[334]
 Kingston Rowing Club
[3]WRCChristopher Revell[338]
 Wallingford Rowing Club A
[4]UCLAlexander Slaughter[351]
 University College London Boat Club
[5]UTCTom Foster[336]
 Upper Thames Rowing Club
[6]TRCHarry Neame[340]
 Thames Rowing Club B
[7]STGGregor Hall[337]
 Stirling Rowing Club A

Sat, 19:04 - Race 67A - Championship 1x Final B

[2]LEEDaniel Jones[318]
 Leeds Rowing Club B
[3]MBCStephen Cox[342]
 Molesey Boat Club
[4]COXJames Scott[323]
 City of Oxford Rowing Club
[5]ZFAGAdam Randall[329]
 Minnesota Boat Club, United States
[6]SCPMike Simpson[326]
 Strathclyde Park Rowing Club B
[7]LDRAlex King[316]
 Leander Club D

Sat, 19:10 - Race 68B - Championship 1x Final A

[2]TWKCallum Dixon[313]
 Twickenham Rowing Club A
[3]EHUCameron Buchan[332]
 Edinburgh University Boat Club
[4]CNNWilliam Young[314]
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club A
[5]SCPCameron Kemp[322]
 Strathclyde Park Rowing Club A
[6]LDRMatt Brigham[315]
 Leander Club C
[7]LEECory Wilkinson[321]
 Leeds Rowing Club A
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