See you in 2025...
Thank you for participating at the Royal Holland Beker 2024, hope to see you again in 2025 (June 28 & 29).


1 June 2024

WILWillem IIIJW 2-Heat 2[3]08:28.911st
Lyske Tromp
SPASpaarne/Willem IIIJM 2xHeat 1[4]07:01.012nd
Jaap Baud
WILWillem III 2JM 2xHeat 3[4]07:06.083rd
David Luteijn
WILWillem III 1JM 2xHeat 3[6]07:26.835th
Wouter Aris
WILWillem IIIJM 2-Heat 2[5]08:05.464th
Ole Wulffraat
WILWillem III 1JM16 4xHeat 2[4]07:02.261st
Jelle de Boer
WILWillem III 2JM16 4xHeat 2[5]07:29.253rd
Sten Bronkhorst
WILWillem IIIBW 4xHeat 1[6]07:12.494th
Veerle Rijnders
WILSamuel de GrootM 1xHeat 1[2]07:53.065th
Willem III
WILWillem IIIJW 2-Final A[4]08:38.206th
Lyske Tromp
SPASpaarne/Willem IIIJM 2xFinal A[1]06:51.671st
Jaap Baud
WILWillem III/VikingJW16 4xFinal A[3]07:42.931st
Meintje Scheltinga
WILDavid ZeelenbergPR1 M 1xFinal A[3]11:03.001st
Willem III
WILWillem III 1JM16 4xFinal A[3]06:51.842nd
Jelle de Boer
WILWillem III 2JM16 4xFinal A[6]07:41.266th
Sten Bronkhorst
WILSamuel de GrootM 1xRepechage[5]07:55.146th
Willem III


2 June 2024

WILWillem III 3JM16 2xHeat 2[1]07:52.182nd
Laurens Groot
WILWillem III 1JM16 2xHeat 3[2]07:24.602nd
Jelle de Boer
WILWillem III 2JM16 2xHeat 3[6]07:59.285th
Martijn Aris
WILWillem III/AmstelJW16 2xHeat 1[6]08:29.963rd
Layla Rademaker
WILWillem IIIJW16 2xHeat 2[2]08:18.702nd
Loïs van Dis
LEYDie Leythe/Willem III/Alkmaarsche R&ZVM4x Heat 1[4]06:19.723rd
Willem van den Eerenbeemt
WILLyske TrompJW 1xHeat 2[2]09:01.046th
Willem III 1
WILSamuel de GrootM 1xFinal C[4]07:49.243rd
Willem III
WILWillem III 1JM16 2xFinal A[1]07:17.752nd
Jelle de Boer
WILWillem III 3JM16 2xFinal A[5]07:47.116th
Laurens Groot
AMSAmstel/Willem IIIJW 4xFinal A[4]07:17.321st
Bruun Schwartz
WILLyske TrompJW 1xFinal B[6]08:55.442nd
Willem III 1
SPASpaarne/Willem IIIJM 4xFinal A[4]06:28.561st
Kristian Vreeken
WILWillem III/AmstelJW16 2xFinal A[1]08:20.726th
Layla Rademaker
WILWillem IIIJW16 2xFinal A[5]08:05.644th
Loïs van Dis
LEYDie Leythe/Willem III/Alkmaarsche R&ZVM4x Final A[1]06:11.076th
Willem van den Eerenbeemt
WILWillem IIIW 4x Final A[5]06:55.144th
Veerle Rijnders
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