Sat, 16:24 - Race 38 - M PR2, M IAR2, M IAR4, M IAR6, M IAR5 1 minute

1.FRAMaxime Belle-SaillardM IAR6338m(1)
Invictus Games Team France 338m49.0 spm
2.GBRWarren JonesM IAR6336m(2)-2m
We are invictus 336m40.0 spm
3.GERCarsten Berthold StephanM IAR6324m(3)-14m
We Are Invictus 324m45.0 spm
4.ITACarlo Fabio Marcello CalcagniM PR2323m(4)-15m
WE ARE INVICTUS - ITALY 323m49.0 spm
5.GBRChris AnslowM IAR2309m(5)-29m
We Are Invictus 310m37.0 spm
6.GBRAndrew McevoyM IAR4305m(6)-33m
We Are Invictus 305m39.0 spm
7.MLTOwen MalliaM IAR5276m(7)-62m
Siggiewi Rowing Club 276m48.0 spm
8.CANGarth WigleM IAR6260m(8)-78m
We Are Invictus 261m43.0 spm
9.GBRRaymond RobinsonM IAR6245m(9)-93m
We are Invictus 246m37.0 spm
10.ITALuca LocciM IAR6--(10)-338m
We Are Invictus 0m
GBRRichard HeatherM IAR2did not start
We are invictus 
GBRMark PerkinsM IAR6did not start
We Are Invictus 
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