
30 October 2021

11:00 am1Race line 1Under 16 M, Under 14 M, 19-29 M PR3, 65-69 M, 65-69 ML, 60-64 ML, 60-69 M PR3, 40-49 M PR1 2000 meterofficial
11:15 am2Race line 219-29 M, 19-29 ML, Under 19 M, 30-39 ML 2000 meterofficial
11:30 am3Race line 130-39 M, 30-39 ML, 40-49 M PR3, 30-39 M PR3, 75-79 ML, 70-74 M, 70-74 ML 2000 meterofficial
11:45 am4Race line 240-49 M, 40-49 ML, 60-64 M 2000 meterofficial
12:00 pm5Race line 155-59 M, 55-59 ML, 50-54 M, 50-54 ML 2000 meterofficial
12:15 pm6Race line 2Under 16 W, 19-29 W PR3, 70-74 W, 70-74 WL, 65-69 W, 60-64 W, 60-64 WL, 55-59 WL, 55-59 W, 30-39 W 2000 meterofficial
12:30 pm7Race line 130-39 W, 30-39 WL, 40-49 W, 30-39 W PR3 2000 meterofficial
12:45 pm8Race line 2Under 19 W, 19-29 W, 19-29 WL, 50-54 W, 60-69 W PR3, 50-54 WL, 30-39 W 2000 meterofficial
1:00 pm9Race line 1Under 14 M, Under 16 M, Under 19 M, 40-49 M 1000 meterofficial
1:10 pm10Race line 219-29 M, 19-29 ML, 60-64 M, 60-64 ML, 65-69 M, 65-69 ML 1000 meterofficial
1:20 pm11Race line 130-39 ML, 30-39 M, 55-59 ML, 55-59 M 1000 meterofficial
1:30 pm12Race line 240-49 M, 40-49 ML, 50-54 M, 50-54 ML 1000 meterofficial
1:40 pm13Race line 185+ M, 75-79 ML, 70-74 M, 40-49 M PR1, 19-29 M PR3, 40-49 M PR3, 60-69 M PR3, 30-39 M PR3, 50-59 M PR3 1000 meterofficial
1:50 pm14Race line 2Under 14 W, Under 16 W, 19-29 W PR3, 70-74 WL, 65-69 W, 65-69 WL, 70-74 W, 60-64 W, 60-64 WL, Under 19 W 1000 meterofficial
2:00 pm15Race line 1Under 19 W, 19-29 W, 19-29 WL, 30-39 W PR3, 30-39 W, 30-39 WL, 50-54 WL 1000 meterofficial
2:10 pm16Race line 260-69 W PR3, 40-49 W PR3, 50-54 W, 40-49 W, 55-59 WL, 55-59 W 1000 meterofficial
2:25 pm17Race line 1Under 16 M, Under 14 M 500 meterofficial
2:35 pm18Race line 2Under 19 M, 19-29 ML, 19-29 M 500 meterofficial
2:45 pm19Race line 130-39 M, 30-39 ML, 19-29 M PR3, 30-39 M PR3, 40-49 M PR3 500 meterofficial
2:55 pm20Race line 240-49 ML, 70-74 M, 75-79 ML, 70-74 ML, 50-59 M PR3, 60-69 M PR3, 40-49 M 500 meterofficial
3:05 pm21Race line 150-54 M, 50-54 ML, 55-59 ML, 55-59 M, 40-49 M PR1 500 meterofficial
3:15 pm22Race line 260-64 ML, 60-64 M, 65-69 M, 65-69 ML, 85+ M, 55-59 M 500 meterofficial
3:25 pm23Race line 1Under 14 W, Under 16 W, 19-29 W PR3 500 meterofficial
3:35 pm24Race line 2Under 19 W, 19-29 WL, 19-29 W, 60-69 W PR3, 75-79 W, 70-74 WL, 70-74 W 500 meterofficial
3:45 pm25Race line 130-39 WL, 30-39 W, 30-39 W PR3, 40-49 W, 40-49 WL 500 meterofficial
3:55 pm26Race line 250-54 W, 50-54 WL, 55-59 WL, 55-59 W, 60-64 WL, 60-64 W, 65-69 W, 65-69 WL 500 meterofficial
4:15 pm27Race line 1Under 19 M, 20-39 M, 40+ M, 20-39 Mixed 2000 meter relayofficial
4:30 pm28Race line 220-39 W, Under 19 W 2000 meter relayofficial
4:45 pm29Race line 120-39 Mixed, 40+ Mixed, 40+ M 2000 meter relayofficial
5:00 pm30Race line 260-69 M PR3, 40-49 M PR3, 50-59 M PR3, 50-59 M PR2 500 meterofficial
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