Thu, 8:35 AM - Race 105 - [005] Mens Youth 2x Time Trial

16 fastest => S, other => FC

FOCCFriends of Concord Crew A[117]
 Seth Lowne
NVCNorthview High School A[118]
 Jackson Kay
PJRCThe Port Jefferson Rowing Club A[119]
 Andreas Simoni
CYCCalifornia Yacht Club A[120]
 Ry Natterson
PBCPotomac Boat Club A[121]
 Colin Rizley
MRWCMiami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. A[122]
 Mariano Martinez
RCRidgewood Crew Foundation A[123]
 Lucas Evers
RARRowAmerica Rye A[124]
 Oliver Mogartoff
RSRedwood Scullers/PACJC A[125]
 Daniil Gurenkov
LPBCLincoln Park Boat Club A[126]
 Maximilian Wyszkowski Allain
HRAHalifax Rowing Association, Inc. A[127]
 Stokes Feezor
ESDEpiscopal School of Dallas A[128]
 Christopher Inglis
CBCCambridge Boat Club A[129]
 Nate Arsenault
WBCWhitemarsh Boat Club B[130]
 Ozzy Spiker
YQCRY Quad Cities Rowing A[131]
 Graham Matlock
CBCCambridge Boat Club B[132]
 Hexiang Cheng
MBRCMiami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club A[133]
 Simon Paley
CRI/RBCRI- Row Boston A[134]
 Carlo Grabiel Butler
SteelSteel City Rowing Club A[135]
 Amedeo Caruso
EPSEastside Preparatory School A[136]
 Peter Repovic
WBCWhitemarsh Boat Club A[137]
 William Curtis
SORASouth Orlando Rowing Association A[138]
 Samuel De La Espriella
WTRFRDWaterford Crew A[139]
 H. Jagger Winkler
LIRCLong Island Rowing Club, Inc. A[140]
 Luc Wagner
NSBRNewport Sea Base Rowing A[142]
 Linden Acevedo
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