Thu, 2:05 PM - Race 126 - [026] Mens U17 1x Time Trial

16 fastest => S, 17 - 24 => FC, other => FD

GHRCPorter Collins[610]
 Greater Houston Rowing Club
YQCRGraham Matlock[611]
 Y Quad Cities Rowing
MohawkChristian Penny[612]
 Mohawk Homeschool Rowing Association
BSBCGeorge Kapp[613]
 Brunswick School Boat Club
CYRJames Jakubek[614]
 Charlotte Youth Rowing
MACGoose Faynsod[615]
 Marina Aquatic Center Junior Rowing
WOODHarry Godin[616]
 Rowing Club of the Woodlands
PENNACGraham Kokas[617]
 Penn A.C. Rowing Association
BRCSeth Isaacson[618]
 North Charlotte Rowing, Inc. dba Belmont Rowing Center
GCDSAlex Simko[619]
 Greenwich Country Day School
RCLuciano Saladino[620]
 Ridgewood Crew Foundation
RCGraham Richardson[621]
 Ridgewood Crew Foundation
LPRCarsten Bauer[622]
 Lake Phalen Rowing
LPRAndrew Vizecky[623]
 Lake Phalen Rowing
BBRBriar Guenther[624]
 Burton Beach Rowing Club
PACNoah Arismendez[625]
 Pacific Rowing Club
PJRCHugo MacDonald[626]
 The Port Jefferson Rowing Club
CIRCIsaac Moos[627]
 Channel Islands Rowing Club
OCBCAdam Chorak[628]
 Orlando City Boat Club
PVRCColby Mackie[629]
 Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club
DRCTony Hernandez[630]
 Dallas Rowing Club
SORAFernando Chirinos[631]
 South Orlando Rowing Association
BRPHBrody Jennings[632]
 Brophy College Preparatory Crew
LITCHGabriel Mazzacane[633]
 Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc.
NRCHenry Davis[634]
 Newport Rowing Club
LLRCrewSebastian Osle[635]
 Long Lake Rowing Crew
FDRJoseph Andros[636]
 F.D. Roosevelt H.S.-Hyde Park Rowing Assoc
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