Thu, 4:30 PM - Race 136 - Youth PR2, PR3, Inclusive Time Trial

IowaRobert DuncanMens Youth PR2 1x[863]
 University of Iowa Recreational Services
GEMLilian RodriguezWomens Youth PR2 1x[864]
 Gem City Crew, Inc.
CLCRCoventry Lake Community Rowing Inc. AMixed Youth PR3 2x[865]
 Sobie Dowd
NCNorcal Crew AMixed Youth PR3 4+[866]
 Hayden Htun
ATLJRAtlanta Junior Rowing Association AMens Youth Inclusive 2x[867]
 Max Allemeier
TCRCTreasure Coast Rowing Club, Inc. AMens Youth Inclusive 2x[868]
 Merritt Lavelle
TRCTexas Rowing Center AMens Youth Inclusive 2x[869]
 Jeffrey Cone
OCBCOrlando City Boat Club AMens Youth Inclusive 2x[870]
 Payton Cramer
RRARockland Rowing Association, Inc. AWomens Youth Inclusive 2x[871]
 Leila Morris
SJRCSouth Jersey Rowing Club AWomens Youth Inclusive 2x[872]
 Lily Adkins

Sun, 12:11 PM - Race 436J - [038] Mens Youth PR2 1x Final A

[0]IowaRobert Duncan
 University of Iowa Recreational Services
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