
May 11, 2024

Atomic8Nathan ShippyMens Youth 1xTime TrialSat, 8:00 AM
Atomic Rowing
Atomic83Atomic Rowing AMens Youth 2xTime TrialSat, 8:40 AM
Ernest Phillips
Atomic184Atomic Rowing AWomens Youth 4xTime TrialSat, 9:58 AM
Penny Willoughby
Atomic205Atomic Rowing AWomens Youth 4-Time TrialSat, 10:13 AM
Victoria Corbett
Atomic248Atomic Rowing AMens U15 4x+Time TrialSat, 10:43 AM
Christian Hadley
Atomic260Atomic Rowing AMens U16 4x+Time TrialSat, 10:59 AM
Damien Joseph
Atomic340Atomic Rowing AMens U17 2xTime TrialSat, 11:59 AM
Marcus Sellers
Atomic366Atomic Rowing AMens U17 4+Time TrialSat, 12:19 PM
Drew Rodabaugh
AtomicNathan ShippyMens Youth 1xSemifinal 1Sat, 3:17 PM[5]
Atomic Rowing
AtomicAtomic Rowing AWomens Youth 4xSemifinal 1Sat, 4:55 PM[2]
Penny Willoughby
AtomicAtomic Rowing AMens U17 2xSemifinal 2Sat, 5:44 PM[3]
Marcus Sellers
AtomicAtomic Rowing AMens U17 4+Semifinal 1Sat, 5:51 PM[1]
Drew Rodabaugh


May 12, 2024

AtomicNathan ShippyMens Youth 1xFinal ASun, 8:00 AM[6]
Atomic Rowing
AtomicAtomic Rowing AWomens Youth 4xFinal ASun, 9:17 AM[1]
Penny Willoughby
AtomicAtomic Rowing AWomens Youth 4-Final ASun, 9:31 AM[4]
Victoria Corbett
AtomicAtomic Rowing AMens U15 4x+Final ASun, 10:20 AM[2]
Christian Hadley
AtomicAtomic Rowing AMens U17 2xFinal ASun, 12:09 PM[6]
Marcus Sellers
AtomicAtomic Rowing AMens U17 4+Final ASun, 12:23 PM[3]
Drew Rodabaugh
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