Sun, 11:10 AM - Race 222V - Mens Masters 4x C, Mens Masters 4x G, Mens Masters 4x D Final A

[1]NRNashville Rowing AMens Masters 4x C
 Andrew Terajewicz
[2]ORCOrlando Rowing Club AMens Masters 4x C
 Serhii Budko
[3]ATLAtlanta Rowing Club, Inc. DMens Masters 4x C
 Jeff Landefeld
[4]ATLAtlanta Rowing Club, Inc. BMens Masters 4x C
 Charles Wu
[5]JRCJacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. AMens Masters 4x G
 Robert Whitbeck
[6]LPRALake Purdy Rowing Association AMens Masters 4x D
 Samuel Haskell
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