Fri, 9:12 AM - Race 110 - [012] Womens Youth 2V 8+ Time Trial

6 fastest => FA, other => FB

1.GLCGreen Lake Crew A11006:52.83(1)FA
 Piper George
2.SRASammamish Rowing Association A11206:56.54(2)FA
 Andrea Maney+3.71
3.RCRCRose City Rowing Club A10406:58.45(3)FA
 Peyton Jensen+5.62
4.HNAHoly Names Academy A11106:58.48(4)FA
 Leah Hanken+5.65
5.IHSInglemoor High School A10907:17.12(5)FA
 Aliya Sloan+24.29
6.MBCMt. Baker Crew A10507:18.33(6)FA
 Cassandra Ainsworth+25.50
7.ERAEverett Rowing Association A10707:22.20(7)FB
 Morgan Avery+29.37
8.LSCLakeside School A10807:26.48(8)FB
 Diya Narayan+33.65
9.BIRBainbridge Island Rowing A10607:35.31(9)FB
 Makena Crosser+42.48
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