[025] Mens Youth 1x

ERCEugene Rowing ClubLeo Parsons
Eugene Rowing Club
LOCRLake Oswego Community RowingOwen Benincosa
Lake Oswego Community Rowing
NCCNorth Cascades CrewOntario Bahrey
North Cascades Crew
PYRPocock Youth RowingMiller Weimann
Pocock Youth Rowing
RRCRenton Rowing CenterLandon Saino
Renton Rowing Center
SPSSeattle Preparatory SchoolAndrew Kruse
Seattle Preparatory School
SPSSeattle Preparatory SchoolJordan Smith
Seattle Preparatory School
SQSSasquatch ScullersGriffin Nethercott
Sasquatch Scullers
VLRCVancouver Lake Rowing ClubCallum Brown
Vancouver Lake Rowing Club
WORCWest Olympia Rowing ClubNils Henning Gjertsen
West Olympia Rowing Club
withdrawn before draw
PYRPocock Youth RowingColin Seng
Pocock Youth Rowing
withdrawn before draw
SRASammamish Rowing AssociationJack Larkin
Sammamish Rowing Association
withdrawn after draw
SEASeattle ScullersBoden Chapek
Seattle Scullers
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