[022] Womens U17 4x

ERCEugene Rowing ClubEugene Rowing Club A
Lucile Davis
OAROlympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.)Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) A
Scarlett Graham
ORUOregon Rowing Unlimited-PDXOregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX A
Freya Little
PYRPocock Youth RowingPocock Youth Rowing A
Marley Gourde-Miller
PYRPocock Youth RowingPocock Youth Rowing B
Anya Singh
RRCRenton Rowing CenterRenton Rowing Center A
Audrey Stoughton
SPSSeattle Preparatory SchoolSeattle Preparatory School A
London Reed
VIRCVashon Island Rowing ClubVashon Island Rowing Club A
Gwyneth Ranney
VLRCVancouver Lake Rowing ClubVancouver Lake Rowing Club A
Kathryn McClellan
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