Fri, 4:56 PM - Race 152 - [063] Womens U17 2x Time Trial

6 fastest => FA, 7 - 12 => FB, other => FC

ERCEugene Rowing Club B[474]
 Relia Carrere
SEASeattle Scullers A[475]
 Jennie Adams
OAROlympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) B[476]
 Mikhaila Leo
ORUOregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX A[477]
 Audrey Smith
RRCRenton Rowing Center A[478]
 Audrie Getz
VIRCVashon Island Rowing Club A[479]
 Kina Ladbon-Reusch
PYRPocock Youth Rowing A[480]
 Emma Morrow
ERCEugene Rowing Club A[481]
 Katelyn Van Scholten-Crawford
PYRPocock Youth Rowing B[482]
 Leslie Shapiro
VLRCVancouver Lake Rowing Club B[483]
 Hadley Campbell
OAROlympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) A[484]
 Scarlett Graham
VLRCVancouver Lake Rowing Club A[485]
 Kathryn McClellan
NCCNorth Cascades Crew A[486]
 Emma Smith
SPSSeattle Preparatory School B[487]
 London Reed
SPSSeattle Preparatory School A[488]
 Lucy Noble
SQSSasquatch Scullers A[489]
 Abigail Holland
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