[MR] Megunticook Rowing

005Mens Youth 2xMegunticook Rowing A
Jake Roux
006Womens Youth 2xMegunticook Rowing A
Laura Riordan
006Womens Youth 2xMegunticook Rowing B
Flora Gurdon
007Mens Youth 4+Megunticook Rowing A
Connor Howland
018Womens Youth 8+Megunticook Rowing A
Adella Brainerd
withdrawn before draw
005Mens Youth 2xMegunticook Rowing A
Connor Howland
withdrawn before draw
008Womens Youth 4+Megunticook Rowing A
Tucker Beynart
withdrawn before draw
011Mens Youth 4xMegunticook Rowing A
Tanner Carson
withdrawn before draw
012Womens Youth 4xMegunticook Rowing A
Adella Brainerd
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