Sat, 9:40 AM - Race 111 - [011] Mens Youth 4x Time Trial

12 fastest => S

MRCMaritime Rowing Club A[166]
 Daniel Ronen
NRRANorwalk River Rowing Association A[167]
 Connor Wetzel
GMSGMS Rowing Center A[168]
 Thomas Setear
WWRAWayland-Weston Rowing Association, Inc. A[169]
 Alejandro Zapata-Lucio
RBCRiverside Boat Club A[170]
 Jeongwon Suh
SAUGSaugatuck Rowing Club, LLC A[171]
 Julen McMahon
NARRNarragansett Boat Club A[172]
 George Udris
RRIRiverfront Recapture, Inc. A[173]
 Martin Ma
PVRCPioneer Valley Riverfront Club A[174]
 Mason Choiniere Barr
GBRGreat Bay Rowing A[175]
 Jack Diamonti
AMSKAmoskeag Rowing Club A[176]
 Nolan Adams
KSCKing School A[177]
 Max Krueger
LQCRLake Quinsigamond Community Rowing A[178]
 Vincent Greene

Sun, 9:04 AM - Race 209I - [011] Mens Youth 4x Semifinal 1

1st, 2nd, 3rd => FA

[1]AMSKAmoskeag Rowing Club A
 Nolan Adams
[2]NARRNarragansett Boat Club A
 George Udris
[3]MRCMaritime Rowing Club A
 Daniel Ronen
[4]SAUGSaugatuck Rowing Club, LLC A
 Julen McMahon
[5]RBCRiverside Boat Club A
 Jeongwon Suh

Sun, 9:12 AM - Race 210J - [011] Mens Youth 4x Semifinal 2

1st, 2nd, 3rd => FA

[1]PVRCPioneer Valley Riverfront Club A
 Mason Choiniere Barr
[2]GBRGreat Bay Rowing A
 Jack Diamonti
[3]NRRANorwalk River Rowing Association A
 Connor Wetzel
[4]GMSGMS Rowing Center A
 Thomas Setear
[5]LQCRLake Quinsigamond Community Rowing A
 Vincent Greene
[6]KSCKing School A
 Max Krueger

Sun, 11:27 AM - Race 225Y - [011] Mens Youth 4x Final A

[1]GBRGreat Bay Rowing A
 Jack Diamonti
[2]GMSGMS Rowing Center A
 Thomas Setear
[3]NRRANorwalk River Rowing Association A
 Connor Wetzel
[4]MRCMaritime Rowing Club A
 Daniel Ronen
[5]SAUGSaugatuck Rowing Club, LLC A
 Julen McMahon
[6]NARRNarragansett Boat Club A
 George Udris
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