Sat, 9:08 AM - Race 109 - [009] Mens Youth 2V 4x Time Trial

7 fastest => FA

WBCWhitemarsh Boat Club A[170]
 Noah Coomes
NBCNereid Boat Club, Inc. A[171]
 George Giakouminakis
WBCWhitemarsh Boat Club B[172]
 Michael Ciarmoli
CNSTConestoga Crew Club A[173]
 Jack Sauder
MPSMalvern Preparatory School A[174]
 Christopher Ventura
GFSRGermantown Friends School Rowing A[175]
 Chenyue Peng
WILBCWilliamsburg Boat Club A[176]
 Malcolm Cornish
NBCNereid Boat Club, Inc. A[177]
 Jayden Yiu
SBPSSt. Benedict's Preparatory School A[179]
 Mekhi Hilaire
MPSMalvern Preparatory School A[180]
 Dean Cipriotti
SJHSSt. Joseph High School Crew B[182]
 Peter Coppolino
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