Sat, 8:00 AM - Race 101 - [001] Mens Youth 1x Time Trial

14 fastest => S

WILBCWilliam Fuller[1]
 Williamsburg Boat Club
RRANikolai Sazonov[2]
 Rockland Rowing Association, Inc.
WBCIain Levine[3]
 Whitemarsh Boat Club
SJRCDashiel Lin[4]
 South Jersey Rowing Club
RCWilliam Carroll[5]
 Ridgewood Crew Foundation
NRRHenry Cerami[6]
 Navesink River Rowing
HHSSebastian Edmonds[7]
 Hackensack HS Crew
NRCLandon Gallagher[8]
 Newport Rowing Club
NRCPascal Duarte[9]
 Newport Rowing Club
SHIPPeyton Barger[10]
 The Shipley School
HRCZachary Greenside[11]
 Friends of Hickory Rowing, Inc
Hun SchoolRory Shore[12]
 The Hun School
RCCParker Hanes[13]
 River City Crew
SCARTate Colburn[14]
 State College Area Rowing Association
LMHSMihir Steingard[15]
 Lower Merion High School Crew (Ardmore)
MPSEvan Barry[16]
 Malvern Preparatory School
AJRAIJacob Perry[17]
 Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc.
UMHSJacob Smull[18]
 Upper Merion High School
SBPSRhys Perry[19]
 St. Benedict's Preparatory School
PRRAAriel Alberto Castro Diaz[20]
 Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
Blair (MD)Judah Goodall[21]
 Blair Crew, Inc.
AJRAIRaymond Thuillier[22]
 Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc.
MPSWill Bentley[23]
 Malvern Preparatory School

Sat, 4:32 PM - Race 161Y - [001] Mens Youth 1x Semifinal 1

1st, 2nd, 3rd => FA

[1]HHSSebastian Edmonds
 Hackensack HS Crew
[2]Blair (MD)Judah Goodall
 Blair Crew, Inc.
[3]WBCIain Levine
 Whitemarsh Boat Club
[4]WILBCWilliam Fuller
 Williamsburg Boat Club
[5]NRRHenry Cerami
 Navesink River Rowing
[6]SBPSRhys Perry
 St. Benedict's Preparatory School
[7]NRCPascal Duarte
 Newport Rowing Club

Sat, 4:39 PM - Race 162Z - [001] Mens Youth 1x Semifinal 2

1st, 2nd, 3rd => FA

[1]AJRAIJacob Perry
 Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc.
[2]MPSWill Bentley
 Malvern Preparatory School
[3]RRANikolai Sazonov
 Rockland Rowing Association, Inc.
[4]Hun SchoolRory Shore
 The Hun School
[5]SJRCDashiel Lin
 South Jersey Rowing Club
[6]RCWilliam Carroll
 Ridgewood Crew Foundation
[7]RCCParker Hanes
 River City Crew

Sun, 8:00 AM - Race 201A - [001] Mens Youth 1x Final A

[1]SJRCDashiel Lin
 South Jersey Rowing Club
[2]Hun SchoolRory Shore
 The Hun School
[3]RRANikolai Sazonov
 Rockland Rowing Association, Inc.
[4]WILBCWilliam Fuller
 Williamsburg Boat Club
[5]WBCIain Levine
 Whitemarsh Boat Club
[6]NRRHenry Cerami
 Navesink River Rowing
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