[025] Boys U14 1000m 1000 meter

1.BCRAV Chellappa-Ives03:56.9(1)
Bergen County Rowing Academy 03:57.032.0 spm
2.CCRAC Arbeit-Yerkes04:06.5(2)+9.6
Cortlandt Community Rowing Association, Inc. 04:06.634.0 spm
3.PCRAA Palshikar04:18.6(3)+21.7
Pelham Community Rowing Association 04:18.632.0 spm
4.ACRAE Klikfeld04:28.2(4)+31.3
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. 04:28.234.0 spm
5.PCRAG Fabozzi04:28.3(5)+31.4
Pelham Community Rowing Association 04:28.436.0 spm
6.PCRAJ Mccloskey04:32.6(6)+35.7
Pelham Community Rowing Association 04:32.634.0 spm
7.PCRAB Leonard04:41.9(7)+45.0
Pelham Community Rowing Association 04:42.031.0 spm
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