Sat, 11:23 - Race 14 - Lwt, SSS Lwt, Student Lwt 2000 meter

[1]WALJack Edward FoxtonWales Lwt
Carmarthen RC
[2]SCOAlisdair GemmelSSS Lwt
Edinburgh University BC
[3]SCOCraig GeddesSSS Lwt
Edinburgh University BC
[4]SCOCole TaylorSSS Lwt
Heriot Watt University BC
[5]SCOEuan Ravenscroft (out of competition)SSS Lwt
Edinburgh University BC
[6]SCOBen IbbotsonSSS Lwt
Heriot Watt University BC
[7]SCOMatthew HodgeSSS Lwt
Edinburgh University BC
[8]SCOJP Levick (out of competition)SSS Lwt
Edinburgh University BC
[9]SCOHarris Macdonald (out of competition)SSS Lwt
Heriot Watt University BC
[10]SCOWilliam CoalterSSS Lwt
Heriot Watt University BC
[11]SCOOliver MontgomerySSS Lwt
Edinburgh University BC
[12]SCOChris McIntyre (out of competition)SSS Lwt
Heriot Watt University BC
[13]SCOAndrew HodgeSSS Lwt
Edinburgh University BC
[14]Daniel SatchStudent Lwt
Oxford Brookes University/British Army
[15]IRLShane McentegartStudent Lwt
Queen's University Belfast
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