date | event | club | crew | update |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J16 2x | PHS | Putney High School Boat Club B | rower Kiana Kamann is replaced by Jahnvi Sodha |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J16 2x | PHS | Putney High School Boat Club A | rower Katya Bailey is replaced by Isobel Jefferies |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J16 4x- | KRC | Kingston Rowing Club A | rower Kendall Waterson is added rower Rhea Swamy is replaced by Elizabeth King rower Helena Sanz-Castano is removed rower Orla Heath is moved to 2 rower Aviana Bridge is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W MasCD 2x | LOT | London Otters Rowing Club A | rower Emma Gant is replaced by Anna Bordon |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J18 4x- | LEA | Lea Rowing Club B | rower Marie Girardet is replaced by Lottie Clarke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J18 4x- | LEA | Lea Rowing Club C | rower Lottie Clarke is replaced by Gwen Bourke rower Martha Newman is moved to 3 rower Olivia Smith-Ekwegh is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club A | rower Liliya Harb is replaced by Lilly Owens rower Maya Muralidharan-Menon is replaced by Josie Lee-Tin |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4x- Trophy | MAA | Mortlake Anglian & Alpha Boat Club | rower Shamae Griffin is replaced by Hannah Marescalchi |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4x- Trophy | GLB | Globe Rowing Club A | rower Imogen Pringle is replaced by Charlotte van der Wiele rower Caitlin O'Brien is replaced by Grace MacMahon rower Naomi Doye is moved to bow rower Matilda Haines is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4x- Trophy | ETX | Eton Excelsior Rowing Club B | rower Aimee Moffatt is replaced by Emma Simpson |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | MOS | Mossbourne Rowing Academy B | cox Jetson Joelson Gilchrist is replaced by Thomas Harris |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | MOS | Mossbourne Rowing Academy A | rower Olana Lucas is moved to 2 rower Eva Smalley is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | KSE | Kings School Ely, The, Boat Club B | rower Eva Green is replaced by Mia Rolfe |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club B | rower Rebecca Lock is replaced by Matilda Herbert |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club B | rower Thea Collyer is replaced by Maya Muralidharan-Menon cox Maxwell Noonan is replaced by Cerine Hariri |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | SYD | Sydenham High School | rower Molly Patton is replaced by Laura Pacianna rower Anna Ryan is replaced by Philippa Moore cox Isabelle Hale is replaced by Orla Furlong |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 4x+ | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club A | rower Zena Breed is replaced by Rebecca Lock |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4- Trophy | GLB | Globe Rowing Club B | rower Naomi Doye is replaced by Macarena Espinar López |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4- Gold | LEA | Lea Rowing Club A | rower Gráinne Maguire Conneely is replaced by Caroline Carson |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4- Gold | LRC | London Rowing Club B | rower Aoife Keane is added rower Caroline Newbury is replaced by Jemima Harbottle rower Katherine Jayne-Coupe is removed rower Georgia Hellard Timm is moved to bow |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J18 4+ | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club B | rower Emily Dyall is replaced by Elyse Vickers |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4+ Trophy | CUR | Curlew Rowing Club A | rower Tianna Algar-Crossland is replaced by Farah Fahmawi cox Isabel Wilson Scott is replaced by Joe O'Neill |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J18 4+ | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club A | rower Evelyn Hayward is replaced by Charlotte Peck cox Charlotte Peck is replaced by Licia Cacioppo |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4+ Trophy | LEA | Lea Rowing Club A | cox Tendai Mukucha is replaced by Gabriel Pakulis |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J18 4+ | SYD | Sydenham High School | rower Aniela Reynolds is replaced by Francesca Ratcliffe |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4+ Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club B | rower Maria Mendoza Guerrero is added rower Alexandra Popova is replaced by Daisy Meade rower Amalie Bronér is removed rower Alice Weatherley is moved to bow rower Katy Griffin is moved to 3 cox Amy Sankey is replaced by Anoushka Chauhan |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J14 8x+ | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club C | rower Riya Gautam is replaced by Amber-Lilli McCarthy cox Felicity Rogers is replaced by Alexandra Gentry |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4+ Trophy | LEA | Lea Rowing Club B | cox Grace Lemon is replaced by Daniil Slavin |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4+ Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club C | rower Cait Buddle is replaced by Alexandra Popova rower Ruta Aisthorpe is replaced by Anna Hyclova |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 4+ Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club A | rower Lauren Church is replaced by Rosie Aylard rower Tina Stronach is moved to bow cox Libby Morrell is replaced by Annabel Cave |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J14 8x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club A | rower Dalia Zamani is replaced by Josefina Gonzalez |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J14 8x+ | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club B | rower Amber-Lilli McCarthy is replaced by Riya Gautam cox Isabella Bacon is replaced by Licia Cacioppo |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 8+ | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club A | rower Zena Breed is replaced by Matilda Herbert rower Isobel McCarthy is moved to bow |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 8+ | SBT | Surbiton High School Boat Club A | rower Eleanor Carney is replaced by Maylis Pacatte |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 8+ | KGS | Kingston Grammar School Boat Club B | rower Selina Hatoum is replaced by Georgia Land cox Georgia Land is replaced by Alexandra Comard |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 8+ | KGS | Kingston Grammar School Boat Club A | rower Alexandra Comard is replaced by Selina Hatoum |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 8+ | SYD | Sydenham High School | rower Philippa Moore is replaced by Lilly Lotter rower Laura Pacianna is replaced by Molly Patton rower Lola Rose Alderman is moved to 3 rower Sophie Moys is moved to 6 cox Orla Furlong is replaced by Isabelle Hale |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 8+ | SPG | St Pauls Girls School Boat Club B | rower anjali reddy is added rower Layla Lang is added rower Jemin Kim-Fulcher is replaced by romilly greenwood rower Anyaa Nightingale is replaced by Ginevra Burke rower Tara Boyle is removed rower Lydia Brem is removed rower greta Liberatore is moved to 2 rower Nina Stefani is moved to 5 rower Vittoria Massi is moved to 6 cox Mira Johnsson is replaced by lilia irani-kermani |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J16 8+ | PHS | Putney High School Boat Club A | rower Isobel Jefferies is replaced by Amelia Paviour rower Jahnvi Sodha is replaced by Katya Bailey |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J15 8+ | SBT | Surbiton High School Boat Club B | rower Maylis Pacatte is replaced by Eleanor Carney |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W J16 8+ | SPG | St Pauls Girls School Boat Club A | rower Masha Boguslavskaya is replaced by Eva Ho |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Gold | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club A | cox Clare Wright is replaced by Jayna Patel |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Gold | LRC | London Rowing Club A | rower Jemima Harbottle is replaced by Caroline Newbury cox Chase Lemley is replaced by Lucia Vigilante |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Trophy | BGS | Bedford Girls School Rowing Club A | rower Millie Partridge is added rower Elyse Vickers is added rower Eve Moriondo is replaced by Liv Smith rower Evelyn Hayward is replaced by Ivy Nelson rower Holly Blewitt is removed rower Emily Feiger is removed rower Charlotte Peck is moved to 5 rower Carys Roberts is moved to 6 rower Sienna Macfarlane is moved to 7 rower Lily Simester is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Trophy | LRC | London Rowing Club B | rower Isabelle Slee is replaced by Rachel Ellingham rower Nicole Seredenko is replaced by Jennifer Arthur rower Poppy Hart is replaced by Serena Jabre |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club A | rower Alexandra Ryle is replaced by Lauren Church cox Annabel Cave is replaced by Clare Wright |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Gold | LEA | Lea Rowing Club A | cox Louis Baxter is replaced by Charles Barry |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Gold | ULO | London, University of, Boat Club B | rower Denise Martin van Meurs is replaced by Emma Kerr |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | W 8+ Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club B | rower Cait Buddle is replaced by Anna Hyclova rower Susie Tucker is replaced by Jasmine Brown rower Alexandra Popova is replaced by Maria Mendoza Guerrero |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 2x | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club C | rower Thomas Peace is replaced by Eldar Aliiev |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 2x Trophy | CUR | Curlew Rowing Club A | rower Frieder Mitsch is replaced by Andreas Finzel |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4x- | KRC | Kingston Rowing Club A | rower Tom Nelson is replaced by Linus Orsinger rower Robert Tugui is replaced by Rafferty Wills |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J18 4x- | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club C | rower Mikkel Lund is replaced by Casper Litherland rower Diogo Pacheco is replaced by Dara Thomson |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4x- | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club B | rower Eldar Aliiev is replaced by Thomas Peace |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J18 4x- | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club A | rower Milton O'Brien is replaced by James Harlow rower Adam Elliott is replaced by Ruben Taylor |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4x- | SGC | St Georges College Boat Club A | rower Samuel Forrest is replaced by Penelope Lighting |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J18 4x- | WES | Westminster School Boat Club A | rower Filip Petreanu is replaced by OLIVER DAVIS |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | SWB | Sir William Borlase's Gram Sch Boat Club A | rower Sohan Bola is replaced by Will Andrew |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4x- Gold | LRC | London Rowing Club | rower Tristan Wiese is replaced by Louis Powell rower Edoardo Marshall is moved to bow rower Isaac Workman is moved to 2 rower George Cowley is moved to 3 |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4x- Trophy | LOT | London Otters Rowing Club A | rower Thomas Reilly is replaced by Daniel Desmond Dennis |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4x- Gold | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club A | rower Jack Cadwallader is replaced by Joe Wellington rower Marcus Chute is replaced by Atticus Chute |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J14 4x+ | KSE | Kings School Ely, The, Boat Club A | rower Qiba Westfield-Airey is replaced by Jasper Williams rower Hugh Torlesse is replaced by Christian (Kit) Gandy cox Toby Calvo is replaced by Rikhil Mathur |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club A | cox Josie Lee-Tin is replaced by Isabella Keane |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club B | rower Alexander Curzio-Baby is replaced by Marco António Mendes Hajezy cox Marco António Mendes Hajezy is replaced by Freddie Amor |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | SWB | Sir William Borlase's Gram Sch Boat Club B | rower Arlo Braid is replaced by Sohan Bola rower Elliot Middleton is replaced by Cameron Wharton |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | ASL | American School In London Boat Club A | rower Spencer Taylor is replaced by Louie Dean |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club C | cox Shaan Deegan is replaced by Abigail Down |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club C | cox Euan Totays is replaced by Matthew Buyskes |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J18 4- | SGC | St Georges College Boat Club A | rower Blake Cooke is replaced by John Carter |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 4x+ | MOS | Mossbourne Rowing Academy A | rower Ethan Spencer is replaced by Adam Cymbalista rower Logan McCann is moved to 2 rower Finnbar McMahon is moved to stroke cox Sonny Van Cauwelaert is replaced by Jetson Joelson Gilchrist |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club A | rower Charlie Hayter is replaced by Teodor Harwood rower Thomas Roland is replaced by Matthew Burger cox Matthew Burger is replaced by Charlie Hayter |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4- Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club A | rower Christopher Yacoumatos is added rower Freddy Pilkington is replaced by Muhammad Rayyan Rajah rower Peter Regan is removed rower Chris Jageurs is moved to bow rower Matthias Schmidt is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4- Gold | LRC | London Rowing Club A | rower Tristan Wiese is replaced by George Christian |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4- Gold | LRC | London Rowing Club E | rower Hal Barrow is replaced by Nikita Krivdin rower Ollie Stanhope is replaced by Jonathan Davidson |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4- Trophy | DUL | Dulwich College Boat Club B | rower Oliver Seeviour is replaced by Benjamin Govindan rower Monty Pedrini is replaced by Derin Sevin |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4+ | SGC | St Georges College Boat Club B | rower Freddie Elliot is replaced by Huw Robbins cox Edward Barnes is replaced by Freddie Rees |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4+ | KSE | Kings School Ely, The, Boat Club A | rower Oliver Biggs is replaced by Henry Moss |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4+ | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club C | cox Danielius Dumych is replaced by Kobe Law |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J18 4+ | SGC | St Georges College Boat Club A | rower Samuel Cross is replaced by Alfie Adriano rower John Carter is replaced by Blake Cooke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club A | rower Christopher Hall is replaced by James King cox Daniel Baillache is replaced by Natalia Gullidge-Jones |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 4+ | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club B | cox Harry Middleton is replaced by Morgan Nicholson |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club B | rower Charlie Wilcock is replaced by Francis Treherne Pollock rower Gregor Forrest is replaced by Finn Andrees Meinecke cox Natalia Gullidge-Jones is replaced by Daniel Baillache |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Trophy | LEA | Lea Rowing Club B | rower Aji Rawlinson is replaced by Ian Kahn cox Eden Sparke is replaced by Daniil Slavin |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | TRC | Thames Rowing Club A | rower Ben Trotman is replaced by Harry West rower Red Staunton is replaced by Max Secunda |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club C | rower Callum Fletcher is replaced by Gregor Forrest rower James King is replaced by Charlie Wilcock |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | LEA | Lea Rowing Club A | cox Daniil Slavin is replaced by Matthew Pooley |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J14 8x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club B | rower Patrick Keating is replaced by Freddie Amor cox Woody Canniff is replaced by Ryosuke Mizutani |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J14 8x+ | DUL | Dulwich College Boat Club B | rower Dhruha Visakan is replaced by Aarav Bhattad rower Lloyd Martin is replaced by Frederick Montgomery-Allsop |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | ULO | London, University of, Boat Club A | rower Charles Louis Mauro is replaced by Jacob Ioras rower Aaron Mott is replaced by Matthew Creaser |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | ULO | London, University of, Boat Club A | rower George Lauchlan is replaced by Joshua Burke cox Costanza Giovene is replaced by Ella Connors |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J14 8x+ | KSE | Kings School Ely, The, Boat Club | rower Hugh Torlesse is added rower Qiba Westfield-Airey is added rower George Hornbuckle is added rower Rikhil Mathur is replaced by Dominic Thompson rower Christian (Kit) Gandy is removed rower Matthew Goodfellow is removed rower Jasper Williams is removed rower Alexander Hunt is moved to 2 rower Henry Sanders-Hewitt is moved to 3 rower Oliver Davey is moved to 4 rower Jack Skelhorn is moved to 5 |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club A | rower George Patterson is replaced by Ben White rower Tom Brendling is moved to bow rower Arthur Hannah is moved to stroke cox Sian Kunert is replaced by Clare Wright |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J14 8x+ | BRE | Brentford Boat Club A | rower Freddie Amor is replaced by Patrick Keating |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J14 8x+ | MOS | Mossbourne Rowing Academy A | rower Max Larney is moved to bow rower Max Plant is moved to 3 rower Anas Sabah is moved to 4 rower Marc Ramos is moved to 5 rower Max Clark is moved to 6 rower Alastair Waites is moved to 7 rower Marlowe McAuslan Ludewig is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 4+ Gold | ULO | London, University of, Boat Club B | rower Joshua Burke is replaced by Theo Doyle cox Ella Connors is replaced by Costanza Giovene |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J15 8+ | KSE | Kings School Ely, The, Boat Club | rower William Tregoing is replaced by Henry Haigh rower Henry Moss is replaced by Oliver Biggs |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 8+ | DUL | Dulwich College Boat Club B | rower Rupert Potts is replaced by Cheuk Leung cox Salvador Crespo is replaced by Rupert Potts |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J16 8+ | HAM | Hampton School Boat Club A | rower Will Lawson is replaced by Leon McQueen |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J18 8+ | BDS | Bedford School Boat Club A | rower Rupert Apps is replaced by Fergus Tongue |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op J18 8+ | BDS | Bedford School Boat Club B | rower Fergus Tongue is replaced by Ethan Newton Walters |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op MasA 8+ | LOT | London Otters Rowing Club A | rower Jamie Johnstone is replaced by Deon Fang |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op MasA 8+ | LOT | London Otters Rowing Club A | rower Louis Goddard-Stark is replaced by Sky Yarlett |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op MasA 8+ | LOT | London Otters Rowing Club | rower Martyn Harrod is replaced by Thomas Papp |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Gold | LRC | London Rowing Club B | rower Alexander Woodhouse is replaced by Adam Randall rower George Christian is replaced by Henry Galbraith |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Trophy | VRC | Vesta Rowing Club A | rower Muhammad Rayyan Rajah is replaced by Matthias Schmidt rower James Bayliss is moved to bow rower Reuben Jack Braden-Bell is moved to 2 rower Chris Jageurs is moved to 3 rower Christopher Yacoumatos is moved to 5 rower Ben White is moved to 6 rower Tom Brendling is moved to 7 rower Arthur Hannah is moved to stroke |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Trophy | CUR | Curlew Rowing Club B | rower Matthew Rigby is replaced by Jack Lee rower Alexander Treharne is moved to 2 rower Dominic Tatakis is moved to 3 rower Felix Rowbotham is moved to 4 |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Trophy | DUL | Dulwich College Boat Club A | rower Arun Chapman-Dawe is replaced by James Farrow-Smith |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Gold | LRC | London Rowing Club C | rower Arun Jackson is replaced by Matthew Hudson rower Adam Randall is replaced by Robert Sutherland rower Henry Galbraith is replaced by George Christian |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Gold | LEA | Lea Rowing Club A | rower Ryan Cheale is replaced by Matt King rower James Bevan is replaced by Callum Vickerstaff rower Samuel Kessler is replaced by Rory Mooney rower Edward White is replaced by Ryan Hynes |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Trophy | LEA | Lea Rowing Club A | rower Matt King is replaced by Callum Vickerstaff rower Oliver Broad is replaced by Wren Fannin rower Robert Dutton is replaced by Ashley Wyatt rower Edward White is replaced by Ryan Hynes |
5/20/2024, 4:09 PM | Op 8+ Trophy | LEA | Lea Rowing Club B | rower Wren Fannin is replaced by Ewan Muir rower Ryan Hynes is replaced by Khalid Hatia rower Callum Vickerstaff is replaced by Matt King rower Aji Rawlinson is replaced by Edward White cox Eden Sparke is replaced by Charles Barry |
5/20/2024, 12:17 PM | Op J18 4+ | CAN | Canford School Boat Club A | Crew racing not as recorded in BROE |
5/20/2024, 12:13 PM | Op J15 8+ | HAM | Hampton School Boat Club A | Crew racing not as crew recorded on BROE |
Sun, 2:58 PM | Op MasBCD 2x | LOT | London Otters Rowing Club A | |
Sun, 2:50 PM | W J15 4x+ | TSS | Tideway Scullers School | |
Sun, 1:56 PM | Op J16 4x- | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club A | |
Sun, 1:53 PM | Op 8+ Gold | ULO | London, University of, Boat Club A | |
Sun, 1:02 PM | Op J15 4x+ | WBK | Walbrook Rowing Club A | |
Sun, 1:01 PM | W J16 4x- | WBK | Walbrook Rowing Club | |
Sun, 12:55 PM | W J14 8x+ | MOS | Mossbourne Rowing Academy A | |
Sun, 12:53 PM | W J18 2x | KRC | Kingston Rowing Club | |
Sun, 12:36 PM | Op J18 4x- | SWB | Sir William Borlase's Gram Sch Boat Club A | |
Sun, 12:34 PM | Op J18 2x | BRE | Brentford Boat Club B | |
Sun, 12:17 PM | Op J18 2x | BRE | Brentford Boat Club B | |
Sun, 9:00 AM | Op J16 4x- | WBS | Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club A | |
Sun, 8:58 AM | W J16 4+ | SPG | St Pauls Girls School Boat Club A | |
Sun, 8:19 AM | Op 4+ Gold | KGS | Kingston Grammar School Boat Club B | |
Sun, 8:18 AM | Op 4+ Gold | KGS | Kingston Grammar School Boat Club C | |
5/17/2024, 8:47 PM | Op 4+ Trophy | LEA | Lea Rowing Club A | |
5/17/2024, 8:45 PM | Op J18 8+ | WES | Westminster School Boat Club B | |
5/17/2024, 8:41 PM | Op J16 4+ | WES | Westminster School Boat Club | |
5/16/2024, 11:58 AM | Op J18 4+ | CAN | Canford School Boat Club C | |
5/16/2024, 11:57 AM | W 2- Gold | CAN | Canford School Boat Club A | |
5/16/2024, 11:47 AM | W J14 8x+ | PHS | Putney High School Boat Club | |
5/16/2024, 11:44 AM | W J15 8+ | LEH | Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club B | |
5/16/2024, 11:43 AM | W J15 8+ | LEH | Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club C | |
5/16/2024, 11:42 AM | W J15 8+ | LEH | Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club A | |
5/16/2024, 11:42 AM | W J18 8+ | LEH | Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club A | |
5/16/2024, 11:41 AM | W J18 8+ | LEH | Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club B | |
5/16/2024, 11:41 AM | W 2x Trophy | LEH | Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club A | |
5/16/2024, 11:22 AM | W J16 4x- | WBK | Walbrook Rowing Club | |
5/16/2024, 11:16 AM | Op J16 4x- | KRC | Kingston Rowing Club B | |
5/14/2024, 11:12 PM | W J18 2x | KGS | Kingston Grammar School Boat Club | |
5/14/2024, 11:09 PM | Op J15 8+ | KGS | Kingston Grammar School Boat Club B | |
5/14/2024, 2:49 PM | Op J18 8+ | DUL | Dulwich College Boat Club | |
5/14/2024, 11:40 AM | W J16 4+ | SYD | Sydenham High School | |
5/13/2024, 5:42 PM | W J18 8+ | SBT | Surbiton High School Boat Club B | |
5/13/2024, 5:40 PM | W J18 8+ | SBT | Surbiton High School Boat Club A | |
5/13/2024, 11:45 AM | Op J18 4x- | KRC | Kingston Rowing Club |