[ZAPR] Enniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland

J16 4x BEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland C
Calum Timoney
Ch 4+ BEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland A
Tom Blake
Ch 2x BEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland G
Sean Tracey
J16 8+ GEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland H
Clodagh O’Donnell
Ch 4x GEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland E
Niamh Campbell
J16 4x GEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland D
Niamh Cassidy
Ch 4+ GEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland B
jenny little
withdrawn before draw
Ch 4x BEnniskillen Royal Boat Club, Ireland F
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