Fri, 11:04 - Race 5D - Yr 8 G 3 minutes

[91]BOB Michaela Benjamin
Bobby Moore Academy
[92]HUR Jasmine Gallon
[93]BRO Florence Milner 
Brompton Academy
[94]BMS Brooke Stanton
Birchensale Middle School
[95]MCA Connie Smerdon
Mossbourne Community Academy
[96]BRO Lauren springham 
Brompton Academy
[97]QGS Jophiel Chiodo
Queens Gate School
[98]BMS Maja Szymko
Birchensale Middle School
[99]KSE Lily-Rose Meriefield
Kings School Ely
[100]GLO Sian Powell
Gloucester Schools
[101]SYD Alice Knight
Sydenham High School Rowing Club
[103]HGS Aimee Mace
Highworth Grammar School
[104]SYD Chloe Foster
Sydenham High School Rowing Club
[105]PLY Lottie Kinsey
Plymouth ARC
[106]MAR Nashwa Garza
St Marylebone
[107]PER Gabby Wadey
Perins School
[108]BMS Grace Davies
Birchensale Middle School
[109]KSE Anna Platt
Kings School Ely
[110]GSG Weronika Kucala
Green School for Girls
[111]GHS Amelia Flowers
Guildford High School
[112]THS Georgia Valentine
Talbot Heath School
[113]THS Erin Wells
Talbot Heath School
[114]GHS Sara Lightowler-Sales
Guildford High School
[115]ROE Maddie Ebdon
Roedean School
[116]GRA  Iara David Lamb
[117]DRE Victoria Matvejeva
DRET All Stars
[118]KSE Zara Stevens
Kings School Ely
[119]GLO Lily Prior
Gloucester Schools
[120]NOR Eva Buckley
Norwich High School
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