Fri, 10:18 - Race 2B - Yr 7 G 2 minutes

1.FHSAnnie Green263m(1)489m(1)
Farlingaye High school 263m226m38.3 spm
2.BMAWhitney Joseph245m(4)475m(2)-14m
Bobby Moore Academy 245m230m39.9 spm
2.TGSGreatness Oladipupo253m(3)475m(2)-14m
Townley Grammar 253m222m39.8 spm
4.GSGAnaia Ansell256m(2)474m(4)-15m
The Green School For Girls 256m218m40.8 spm
5.EMAEsme Schepers241m(6)466m(5)-23m
Emanuel School 241m226m34.5 spm
6.BMSTalia Thygesen238m(8)465m(6)-24m
Bedford Modern School 238m228m36.5 spm
7.EMAAmelie Hardimen243m(5)463m(7)-26m
Emanuel School 243m221m32.0 spm
8.HAYMyla Ruddick241m(6)459m(8)-30m
The Hayling College 241m218m40.5 spm
9.UAIPrecious Longe227m(13)455m(9)-34m
The Ursuline Academy Ilford 227m229m36.5 spm
10.EMAAthena Polk230m(12)444m(10)-45m
Emanuel School 230m215m39.5 spm
11.RLSBeatrice Murphy232m(11)439m(11)-50m
Ricards Lodge High School 232m208m40.9 spm
12.UAICharisse Billy-Giwa227m(13)437m(12)-52m
The Ursuline Academy Ilford 227m211m41.0 spm
13.MOSUmmayma Sosanya224m(16)435m(13)-54m
Mossbourne Rowing Academy 224m212m38.0 spm
14.SAUHABEN TEKIE238m(8)434m(14)-55m
St Angela's Ursuline School 238m197m42.5 spm
15.BMSKate Southon220m(21)432m(15)-57m
Bedford Modern School 220m213m38.0 spm
16.BMSTamarah Kimanzi238m(8)429m(16)-60m
Bedford Modern School 238m191m35.2 spm
17.FHSPoppy Ashton221m(20)427m(17)-62m
Farlingaye High school 221m207m42.5 spm
17.EMACharlotte Hess223m(17)427m(17)-62m
Emanuel School 223m204m52.0 spm
19.GSGFleur Hermanault223m(17)425m(19)-64m
The Green School For Girls 223m203m34.5 spm
20.CHRLowri Jeffries225m(15)424m(20)-65m
Christs School 225m199m41.5 spm
21.QGSMolly Crider217m(22)422m(21)-67m
Queen's Gate School 217m206m33.0 spm
22.SAUFENDI BRIGHT ENARUNA223m(17)419m(22)-70m
St Angela's Ursuline School 223m197m37.4 spm
23.FHSNyree Robertson211m(24)409m(23)-80m
Farlingaye High school 211m198m36.0 spm
24.LANKlaudia Abdullahi214m(23)404m(24)-85m
Langdon Park School 214m190m39.1 spm
25.HFSAya Zourdani207m(25)394m(25)-95m
Highbury Fields School 207m187m34.9 spm
26.EGARaihana Garbi192m(26)383m(26)-106m
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School 192m192m37.5 spm
BHSMahilda Ketiku did not start
Beacon High School 
EMASofia Templeton did not start
Emanuel School 
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