Fri, 10:46 - Race 4B - Yr 7 B 2 minutes

[1]CFBDrew Sparks
Central Foundation Boys school
[2]RUTJoe Murray
Rutlish School
[3]PANChris Mayo
[4]PGSGuy Dobson
Poole Grammar School
[5]MEDOliver Friday
Medway Victory Sea Cadets
[6]PANAlfie Cousins
[7]BMSOba Kolawole
Bedford Modern School
[8]RUTArtin Ecdar Basari
Rutlish School
[9]EMAAmaius Gomez
Emanuel School
[10]CFBRory Pendry
Central Foundation Boys school
[11]EMAMax Beard
Emanuel School
[12]PGSCorey Edwards
Poole Grammar School
[13]TFAJamal Nikemena
Trinity Future Academy
[14]BMASonny Smith
Bobby Moore Academy
[15]EMAOwen Perkins
Emanuel School
[16]BTGJakub Malek
Bishop Thomas Grant School
[17]ACLDong Lew
Acland Burghley
[18]JCCSBarbora Griniute
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive
[19]RUTDexter Reed
Rutlish School
[20]PGSMax Chowdhury
Poole Grammar School
[21]TTSRiley Hill
Thomas Tallis School
[22]BMSFelix Jackson
Bedford Modern School
[23]MEDMason Hardid-Trotter
Medway Victory Sea Cadets
[24]RUTNick Michael
Rutlish School
[25]ORCMax Ramsey
Orchards Academy
[26]BMSHenry Flowers
Bedford Modern School
[27]CFBEthan Duffy
Central Foundation Boys school
[28]BMSFelipe Granger
Bedford Modern School
[29]DRETEymen Ganidagli
David Ross Education Trust
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