Fri, 12:41 - Race 13D - Yr 9 B 4 minutes

[1]ALOD'Eric Koy
St. Aloysius RC College
[2]ACLConor Sexton-Webb
Acland Burghley
[3]ROBJay Stacey
Rob Roy Boat Club
[4]BMSGabriel Alvarez-Custodio
Bedford Modern School
[5]CFBEris Zeqa
Central Foundation Boys school
[6]MEDJosh Berry-Alltimes
Medway Victory Sea Cadets
[7]CHSDomas Sinkunas
Claydon High School
[8]SMAKymani Pinnock
St Matthew Academy
[9]KSRCharlie Binney
Kings School Rochester Boat Club
[10]SMAJohnathan Umunnakwe
St Matthew Academy
[11]DRETBenas Gudaitis
David Ross Education Trust
[12]BMSAlex Rooke
Bedford Modern School
[13]WESTariq El-Nahas
Westminster Academy
[14]BAYFreddie Lyon
The Bay CE School
[15]CHSEthan Ghirawoo
Claydon High School
[16]PANAaron Carter
[17]LYRJustinas Dirzys
LYR Boat Club
[18]BREUlysses Yau Cheung Poon
Brentford Boat Club
[19]KSCRoderick Gormley
King's School Canterbury Boat Club
[20]BEXNoah Landau
Bexhill Rowing Club
[21]CASJake Garforth
Castle Rushen High School
[22]KSCMagnus Rosling
King's School Canterbury Boat Club
[23]RADJack Turner
Radnor House School
[24]RUTWilliam Powell White
Rutlish School
[25]EMAHugo Brydon
Emanuel School
[26]BTGKonrad Paliwoda
Bishop Thomas Grant School
[27]STGDaniel Babatunde
Saint Georges C of E School
[28]OPGMatthew Wilde
Oakwood Park Grammar School
[29]CHREden Babakhanlou
Christs School
[30]MSGHudhayfah Hussain
Mulberry Stepney Green
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