Fri, 10:40 - Race 3D - Yr 7 G 2 minutes

1.TGSFaith Adedeji253m(3)494m(1)
Townley Grammar School 253m241m34.5 spm
2.DRETAbigail Fitzgerald268m(1)492m(2)-2m
David Ross Education Trust 268m224m37.3 spm
3.RLHSJulliette Abott.249m(4)484m(3)-10m
Ricards Lodge High School 249m236m38.5 spm
3.DRETEmily Gates263m(2)484m(3)-10m
David Ross Education Trust 263m221m39.5 spm
5.RLHSSydney Everett247m(6)476m(5)-18m
Ricards Lodge High School 247m229m31.9 spm
6.CMSCara Verrion243m(7)464m(6)-30m
Cranborne Middle School 243m222m44.0 spm
The Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls 249m212m42.4 spm
7.GSGAmina Amiri238m(9)461m(7)-33m
The Green School for Girls 238m223m39.4 spm
9.SSTMEliana Pellegrini Rogers236m(11)460m(9)-34m
School of Science & Technology Maidstone 236m225m36.5 spm
10.MVSCChloe LOCKWOOD236m(11)456m(10)-38m
Medway Victory Sea Cadets 236m221m41.5 spm
11.GSGGiselle Huget241m(8)449m(11)-45m
The Green School for Girls 241m209m34.4 spm
11.FHSSylvie Parker235m(13)449m(11)-45m
Farlingaye High school 235m215m39.5 spm
13.ELENMIA WILKIN233m(14)444m(13)-50m
The Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls 233m212m45.5 spm
14.PSCLauren Allison237m(10)442m(14)-52m
Portsmouth Sea Cadets 237m205m44.6 spm
15.RLHSAnya Patel224m(17)432m(15)-62m
Ricards Lodge High School 224m208m42.5 spm
16.ELENAICHA KOUDRI229m(16)426m(16)-68m
The Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls 229m197m47.4 spm
17.STEPZara Ullah232m(15)420m(17)-74m
Stepney Green 232m189m43.6 spm
18.SAUSSANDRA MENDY MENDY212m(20)418m(18)-76m
St. Angela's Ursuline School 212m206m47.5 spm
19.SAUSEMMANUELLA FOKUO220m(18)407m(19)-87m
St. Angela's Ursuline School 220m188m31.3 spm
20.FHSAaliyah Beresford-Collins208m(22)402m(20)-92m
Farlingaye High school 208m194m43.0 spm
20.SAUSYSABELLA RACOMA212m(20)402m(20)-92m
St. Angela's Ursuline School 212m191m43.3 spm
22.SCWARosie Clarke216m(19)400m(22)-94m
Stationers Crown Woods Academy 216m184m39.8 spm
23.STEPMaria Islam179m(23)352m(23)-142m
Stepney Green 179m173m33.0 spm
SJCCVictoria Stanaszek did not start
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive 
HABVladyslava Tarasova did not start
Harris Academy Bermondsey 
SMCCShyann Mensah did not start
St Michaels Catholic College 
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