Fri, 15:48 - Race 22A - Yr 10 B 5 minutes

[1]KSCKirill Frolov
Kings School canterbury
[2]KSCYoumans Fan
Kings School canterbury
[3]CWCOliver  Kotla
Canary Wharf College
[4]SWBGGeorge Moody
Sir William Borlase's Grammar School
[5]FYZIan Morazu
Future Youth Zone
[6]MRAEvan Chadbourne
Mossbourne Rowing Academy
[7]RUTVihas Kakahody Arachichige
Rutlish School
[8]KAATheo Ashong
Kensington Aldridge Academy
[9]GSBDomas Monkevicius
The Green School for Boys
[10]WRCCharles Battelle
Weybridge RC
[11]MRALukas Meilke
Mossbourne Rowing Academy
[12]ACLIshvar Naik
Acland Burghley
[13]MRAMuhe Wu
Mossbourne Rowing Academy
[14]SJCCAlex Cox
St. John's Catholic Comprehensive
[15]SMAKevin Nana-Ampaw
St Matthew Academy
Medway Victory Sea Cadets
[17]ACLAsa Willams
Acland Burghley
[18]KSCMagnus McLeod
Kings School canterbury
[19]MRALenny Rick
Mossbourne Rowing Academy
[20]SMABradley Mora teran
St Matthew Academy
[21]LANGDavid Georghita
The Langley Academy
[22]AMSILevi Marvel
Arts and Media School Islington (AMSI)
[23]Charlie Evans
Christ's School
[24]JHSLewis Poleykett
Jubilee High School
[25]SWBGMatthew Wells
Sir William Borlase's Grammar School
[26]DRETJack Walker
David Ross Education Trust
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