Fri, 11:23 - Race 7A - Yr 8 G 3 minutes

1.TRCJess Atkin291m(1)560m(1)823m(1)
Trent Rowing Club 291m269m263m34.3 spm
2.TRCMadison Walker269m(2)518m(2)756m(2)-67m
Trent Rowing Club 269m249m238m36.2 spm
3.BSAJosephine Hawkins266m(3)507m(3)740m(3)-83m
Boston Spa Academy (TGAT) 266m241m233m32.9 spm
4.BSABlossom Mathers259m(4)491m(4)730m(4)-93m
Boston Spa Academy (TGAT) 259m232m240m39.0 spm
5.RGADivine Ndubueze258m(5)489m(5)721m(5)-102m
The Ruth Gorse Academy (TGAT) 258m231m233m34.4 spm
6.BAChristabel Ohenewaa Danso255m(6)488m(6)708m(6)-115m
Bruntcliffe Academy (TGAT) 255m233m220m36.4 spm
7.TACMagdalena Nurek242m(9)460m(7)665m(7)-158m
Trinity Academy Cathedral 242m218m205m39.8 spm
8.FADaisy Dalby248m(8)456m(8)658m(8)-165m
The Farnley Academy (TGAT) 248m208m203m36.2 spm
9.BYAYazmin Brazao Cassule254m(7)454m(9)656m(9)-167m
Bishop Young C of E Academy 254m200m203m35.1 spm
10.NWSCEveline Higgin237m(11)441m(11)648m(10)-175m
North West Area Sea Cadets 237m204m208m37.5 spm
11.DTCEllta Michael231m(12)446m(10)645m(11)-178m
Dixons Trinity Chapeltown 231m215m199m32.3 spm
12.NWSCElizabeth Smith239m(10)430m(12)622m(12)-201m
North West Area Sea Cadets 239m191m193m40.4 spm
13.RGAJasmine Hunter225m(13)419m(13)601m(13)-222m
The Ruth Gorse Academy (TGAT) 225m194m183m36.8 spm
14.BSAAimee Reeve202m(16)395m(16)591m(14)-232m
Boston Spa Academy (TGAT) 202m193m196m31.3 spm
15.JSAKyra Blellock197m(17)394m(17)586m(15)-237m
John Smeaton Academy (TGAT) 197m197m192m39.7 spm
15.VYARobyn Clements220m(15)415m(14)586m(15)-237m
Vale of York Academy 220m195m171m43.9 spm
17.BYAFatima Hamid221m(14)401m(15)575m(17)-248m
Bishop Young C of E Academy 221m180m174m46.3 spm
18.NWSCLila Newson-Nixon191m(18)373m(18)553m(18)-270m
North West Area Sea Cadets 191m182m180m50.1 spm
19.VYAImogen Bayne181m(19)346m(19)497m(19)-326m
Vale of York Academy 181m165m152m44.7 spm
BYASelome Andeberhan  did not start
Bishop Young C of E Academy 
SCAIsabelle Fletcher  did not start
The Samworth Church Academy 
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